I think basically what it boils down to is this:
Anyone who DBG has deemed a "problem boxer" is not allowed to box anymore on servers labeled True-Box servers. What the criteria of a "problem boxer" is, I'm not sure. There are definitely far more toxic 6-12-18 boxers than myself or Lost. I'm not sure of what kind of setup Lost uses, but I know for myself I use 6 computers, with 6 monitors. I do not use MQ, ISboxer, or any type of broadcast software. There are many other boxers who harass players far harder and more often than I ever have. I have not stepped foot in SolB, the Hole, or any kind of krono camp in Lguk on Coirnav (I had only farmed the live side for exp in the low 30's). I think they were just preemptively striking me because of their prior experience with me on Agnarr and Phinny.
Roxxy's last post on the matter basically said boxing is allowed as long as it's one account per pc. My petitions get answered saying otherwise, telling me that I am not allowed to box on Phinny or Coirnav. (apparently Agnarr is labeled as a PoP-Locked server, and although they mention True-Box in the FAQ, for some reason I'm allowed to box there).
These bans are not ban waves. I had 11 accounts on phinny, 10 on Agnarr, and 15 on Coirnav that went untouched despite all sharing my primary email address and IP.
It's evident that boxing is allowed on these servers, but they are enforcing a no-box rule for certain individuals.
tl;dr don't cause problems and you can box all you want =)