buddy told me lastnight at efreeti there was 30 asians, 2 groups in 2 picks each and a third group in another pick. just keep making more toons. the one i talked to said yeah they all work for the same company and rotate accounts 24hr/day. crazy to see the server being overrun like this.
LOL If it feeds Daybreak's revenue stream, who cares right?
RM HG's would be cancer if only 50 people were on the server in classic.Still a decent pop. Got a group last night and HG hill is still a cluster of faggotn ass American Inventor dick sucking wizards that invis and steal mobs.
... Got a group last night and HG hill is still a cluster of faggotn ass American Inventor dick sucking wizards that invis and steal mobs.
I keep reading these posts in McConaughey's voice ... kills me.
Just had the FBSS drop for me, is it worth keeping as a bard or just auction it off?