<Bronze Donator>
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People like you orJanx can literally play anything you would want. We even have some toons we could let people keep if they are people we know well. This is a very ghetto mix of friends playing EQ from my main MMO guild, TL / AoS officers, and homies from Nurfed that are current and older raiders. Everyone is laid back, makes fun of each other, and there is absolutely no drama or loot issues.
lost the chinese have been talking to me a lot, I unloaded an ungodly amount of plat for krono to one last week named Thorisa? He says this has been his most profitable server yet for farming and says they have a 100% working cheat engine. The dude for sure was casting on shit from Efreeti across the zone to show me, was cracking up. If you have Discord I can send you some funny screenshots of our talks. From his broken English I think there is multiple teams of them competing for money and he hates another crew with 2 Necros he was saying. We need Regime to spend an hour with us and translate again.
I've been trying to figure it out. They all use QQ chat app. I have Agnong on my QQ chat and he's friends with Kubo who has 2 necros named Kpos and Kotty. Agnong today told me they were bullying him trying to take his camp, it was this guy named appball who is the guy I got suspended twice, he used to have 6 necros one named Ndir, and he would train religiously until i recorded him on two diff necros and got them banned. So you probably talked to Ndir or his associates, who is a company according to Agnong with 30-50 accounts.
For a cheat engine they are really slow, with 6 necros Ndir couldnt beat me, although they werent level 50 (44s). Most of them are terribly slow and never cast at the same time but yes I've seen them cast at the same time but they dont have any sort of reaction time for pops to couple with that broadcasting.
QQ chat has live translation so you could use that instead of regime. I thought they were all one company but its starting to be obvious its not with the asians fighting each other for efreeti camps lulz. But they are constantly leveling new characters I See new level 30 names everyday in solb being PLed, sometimes they're actual PL customers if they have a somewhat reasonable name but if theyre a generated name (random name at char select) its for their use. People are actually letting these asians log on their accounts and PL them.
I'm on discord, you can find me on the FOH discord list as lost and pm me that way. Would love to see. They still farm the hole, lguk, ice giants, hill giants, sola, and solb over night until americans log in and kick them out. But yeah let me know what char name was doing that so I know.
From what I know this Ndir guy got banned the first two weeks of coirnav cause he was botting efreeti, he was the guy in two picks of OOT leveling, and then after he got banned he was there again leveling new groups. He's also this Eanadaen guy in the hole, and Eaeam/celin etc.
Also yeah agnong is the one that told me they all primarily sell on playerauctions. But maybe theyre also the ones spamming the chinese gold websites.
And I posted before was a guy named Maper at efreeti 24/7 and 3 different QQ profiles added me over a week while playing Maper so they account share.
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