The ascension system is really horrible and the developers are a fucking joke.
Gninja is possibly the worst developer i've ever seen in a video game in my entire life, he once told my guild he would ban us on a mob if we ran more than three fighters (the script basically made one tank unable to do anything for 30 seconds and the mob casted it every 10 seconds, so we were just gonna stack four fighters so we could live through it, but that is "exploiting according to him.")
Caith has absolutely zero creativity in class creation/balance and has no idea how to fix the coding on a lot of abilities, so many classes right now on live are just absolutely useless because of how little they planned out the stat inflation tying into class balance.
Coercer's used to buff tanks/healers but what good are their buffs when you can cap out every stat?
Every dps class but warlocks are basically useless, only two healer classes are really relevant but guilds of course refuse to stack their raids to proper setup.
I last played in altar of malice when the raids became literal copy/pastes of old raid encounters 100% of the time, there was absolutely zero challenge to the game; every mob just became who can cheese through gninja's shitty mechanics and kill it in time.
TLE isn't bad, they want to make the content accessible to everyone so it kinda removes any challenge from the game, it's not super competitive, everything is killable within the first few weeks but people think they are incredible at the game by raiding for >20 hours and clearing it all. There is a lot of complaints about the familiars, and the leveling up of spells, but with a low level familiar you can buy with plat, and just experts; i'm the top parsing person on the server versus people who are pouring bonkers amounts of money into their characters.
The coins for the daily aren't that bad, everyone just pulls the end bosses through walls and trains to the end of dungeons anyways, it only takes 15-20 minutes. 10 if you're botting it.
We did a bot raid for veeshan's peak just to clear some trash because the gem rate was abysmal, and it was entertaining to see our three groups of bots do the same amount of raid wide as our full four groups just because that many people are fucking terrible.
It really is a shame, the game truly does have a lot of potential.
I still don't understand how people think they need to press like 50 buttons, realistically 1/2 are buffs, 1/3rd are things you hit on occasion, and rotations for most classes only invole 5-15 skills at most.
Currently on TLE the xp pots people are paying money for aren't working, and dbl xp no longer multiplies the end number and instead just adds a 100% bonus to the base making it hardly noticable, but hey, you can always stack more group pots for $10 right?