@Man0warr Thanks..
@Noodleface I've always liked the look of EQII and still do but among my friends, I have always been the minority and I hear more of your thoughts each day. However, I have heard WoW players who gave EQII a try when their F2P came out thinking they couldn't believe how realistic it was and how comic-book or cartoony WoW felt in comparison. I guess today's MMO's are just putting it to shame. I know FFXIV blew me away during beta.
I hate to say it but out of everything coming out, i'll probably get the EQII expansion... I must be on something...
After playing around with it again it's actually pretty fun. I can notice the skill bloat though already creeping up. At level 26 on my SK I am already mashing shit all over the keyboard. They also have some weird since of quest progression because you can go from doing a level 21 quest off the docks in Butcherblock to finishing up a line up on the cliff, to being sent out and all of a sudden you are in the thick of it with level 31 Mobs at level 24 and NPC quest givers handing out level 31 quests. I was told to go to Thundering Steeps to even it out, but I was able to find a couple more in my level range from pure chase all over the map... So I finished those and am up to 26-27 now I think as of last night. My class is overpowered as crap though so I am able to plow through mobs 3-4 levels above me.
What I am getting really addicted too is the housing. Last night I claimed one of my vet rewards which is a mistmoore castle. The thing has like 3 floors, looks gothic as all hell inside and kind of creepy, but then I can go outside and I have an entire landmass and beach. It's pretty sweet. I let a few folks in and they were scattering some welcome home items around. It was pretty hilarious. I also now have a few ghosts roaming the halls scaring some folks. I can see myself really getting addicted to the housing portion. Just as long as they have good/cool items for loot/crafting other than the store.
I still have yet to run a dungeon since coming back. The only dungeons I have ran prior were crushbone and some haunted house? I cannot remember it. It was fairly fun but people were wissing my the story lines so fast I didn't get to learn about anything in it. Would I be able to take some mercs in here and go through these dungeons without a group?
But yeah, hell it's free now, and the expansions are there except for Velious, Chains of Eternity, and Age of Discovery. I guess Velious will soon be free.
What is still hilarious though is running a 2500k OC''d to 4.5 Ghz, a GTZ 570 Vid card, 8 Gb Ram, and if I throw this thing in Extreme settings, it still runs at 15 FPS.