Yeah skill rotations mean nothing. I just hit a bunch of random shit and kill things.
Steamfont quests really pissed me off though. It's so inconsistent. One leg of a quest will show a blue area where you need to go and complete it, the next leg has you speaking to some guy in an unexplored portion of the map and the icon only comes up if you are close and sometimes not at all, the next will have you gathering an item pointed out with a blue dot, than telling you to get to the top of an overlook with zero idea how the hell to get up there in the first place. Also, level ranges are completely whacked. Steamfont is supposed to be level 30-40 - I didn't see a quest in there under 35 even at zone in and some level 42 quests have you running through packs of level 49 mobs. Wtf.
To be clear on the mapping, I am fine with having to go find things on my own, but make it so I am either doing that or looking at a map for reference. Not changing those play directions on the fly via legs on quests.
So yeah. Whoever designed Steamfont must have had too much to drink for a month.