I'll give this game credit. Even when I'm horribly outmatched, I take a while to die. A group attacked me, and I had time to get off an AE earthquake and at least stun/annoy them for 3 secondsPVP can be annoying sometimes, but imo the MOBA comparison doesnt really hold water. For me at least pvp is just as much about doing the normal MMO things with the threat of pvp as it is about running around pwning newbs. That sense of danger makes what is normally a fucking snoozefest into something engaging and if im not paying attention I am punished for it, vs in PVE where the only challenge is herding your average imbecile group members into assisting and not doing dumb shit.
I intend to give this a fair shot in a good guild assuming I can find one. But with stayover shifts at work, I can't poopsock like all the kids, and will be behind the leveling curve.