Incorrect: Needs to be 'Goner' !All pets in any EQ game should always be named Jabober, IMO.
Ah yeah, CoB farming. Great zone; lots of quests, nice amount of named mobs, and the trash seem to pop a ton of exquisite chests.Incorrect: Needs to be 'Goner' !
Servers are down with a patch. 'Repeatable quests will now give a reduced coin reward.' It was probably a bit out of whack, the pair of repeatable lvl 15ish quests in Frostfang gave almost a gold each. Can't imagine what the later level ones were like.
Off to find another cash farm- wait here it is : (not a dupe, they drop frequently, and have shitty shitty stats, but vendoring them is nice)
Patch notes said they reduced repeatable quest cash. But looks like they didn't touch the Frostfang seas ones. At the end of the entire quest line, there's a pair of repeatable, easy to do quests that net you almost 2 gold when you hand them in. Which at lvl 15ish is a lotta money. Difficulty: Involves an underwater cave.The first week, the Lavastorm repeater was giving 15-30 gold per few min run.
They pulled them and I assume this is why they looked at all repeaters.
message me in game CalbiyumThis is painful without a guild. (stormhold)
WoW surprised they did this already.welp, Vit pots are in, time to buy my way to level 50
I can probably help you if you want, most are just reuse/casting speed/base damage (reuse work on abilities from the focus's but not the ability reuse ones). I know a few classes have really nice ones like ability reuse but those don't work because the stat isn't in game at the moment.Funny thing, when I tried to look up what focus effects to take I find absolutely nothing. Just stuff about AA's that is outdated/doesn't apply to prog. The tooltips don't even say what some of them even do.
They know what they're doing.WoW surprised they did this already.
I'll just grab what sounds logical I guess... potency-crit-ball of fire cooldown reduction so far.I can probably help you if you want, most are just reuse/casting speed/base damage (reuse work on abilities from the focus's but not the ability reuse ones). I know a few classes have really nice ones like ability reuse but those don't work because the stat isn't in game at the moment.