I remember when the game released and the graphics looked like absolute trash (even on good rigs; it was the actual art design) and the races looked malformed/ugly as sin, that they were leaning the wrong way. At least the SoGa models made it not look like complete ass, but man. Vanguard did a much better "realistic" look that utilized hardware and wasn't just a massive exercise in faux-uncanny valley. And Vanguard didn't even look that realistic. EQ2 was just bad.
I gave it a try after a couple of years, and it seemed like it had some interesting systems. But having a bunch of abilities (SK) that were basically the same thing but on slightly different timers? Lost my interest quick. In EQ I wrote macros for lots of shit; but in EQ2 I looked at the number and went "Yeah pass." without even looking for the option. Could you put together macros that made that ability bloat bearable or was it just a dumpster fire period?