Everquest - Phinigel server


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah I remember I apped to ROI on an old cleric I had from sleeper, had like no AA and fucked up a heal once cause I wasnt paying attention - got booted. Guild was zero patience lol


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah I remember I apped to ROI on an old cleric I had from sleeper, had like no AA and fucked up a heal once cause I wasnt paying attention - got booted. Guild was zero patience lol
What era? Elucid leader or Swag? (I can't imagine mentioning AA it was before either)

Swag I know was hypercritical of healers - awesome guy though, would take a bullet for the guy RL. Wish he'd start showing back up on Phin - I know he hates Kunark (and to an extent Velious), but hopefully that's just making him take a temp hiatus not permanent.


<Bronze Donator>
Swag, I had a cleric named Sante lol. To be honest I'm not a good cleric, I just dont find it fun and I get distracted easily. I had a batch of chars left over from sleeper and the cleric was the only open recruitment although I wanted necro, was good buds with shennron.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Swag, I had a cleric named Sante lol. To be honest I'm not a good cleric, I just dont find it fun and I get distracted easily. I had a batch of chars left over from sleeper and the cleric was the only open recruitment although I wanted necro, was good buds with shennron.
Yea, if you weren't ever made aware, his (now ex-)wife was cleric lead - and she only wanted the best clerics. I was never around for RoI (once DHS died, I just faded off rather than moving to RoI) - but talking to him on here about how later days ran he did mention that only the best clerics really lasted over there.


<Bronze Donator>
It was rough, I took a kunark era cleric into Ashengate/Frostcrypt raids, felt like a deer in the headlights. All these new AA and abilities I was supposed to have/know about, when I only had raided up to PoP in live lol. I had 100 AA when everyone else had 5k+. Every devoted lesson grind group had another cleric and I could never catch a break on gaining AA cause of that and the cliques. Zero interest in ever raiding that expansion again or raiding on a cleric cause yeah its fuckin stressful. I believe in the healz or dps carries a raid, so I understood when I got booted lol.


<Bronze Donator>
Looks like rosengard is on phinny finally, maybe they can snipe some open world mobs on dat euro time


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Swag and Niya or something, right? I don't blame her one fucking second. By level 80ish content the horrible healing shitstains had been scoured and the guild went on to greatness. I still have nightmares about doing CH rots there.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Swag and Niya or something, right? I don't blame her one fucking second. By level 80ish content the horrible healing shitstains had been scoured and the guild went on to greatness. I still have nightmares about doing CH rots there.
Yea, she was Niya at that point - she'd been a Pally earlier but switched to CLR around the time Swag came over from DHS to ROI.
You know I've been thinking lately, and that isn't a good thing lol.

I've been kinda thinking what the fuck am I doing here in this game. It's fun at times, boring at times, and in between the rest of the time.

But, ultimately we all know where its going to go and what its going to become. We will hit the expansion where EQ is no longer fun to us, and we'll quit. Again.

Then what? There's honestly nothing else out there to fill that old school EQ itch.

I don't know. It just kind of feels like a shit ton of wasted hours with no chance for a better outcome in the end.

I'm not saying I'm quitting, but I'm not saying I'm not either. I just got my wizard to 50, so I'm still here for now.

What do y'all think? Am I just being stupid?


Golden Knight of the Realm
I have expansions I can't stand, but then right after is one I like or at least don't mind so would come back personally. Like my first time taking a hiatus from EQ was luclin the super long fights and shards made my eyes bleed so think I played DAoC or AO or some such till PoP. I would do this all through out till RoF when EQ just really lost all appeal to me haven't been back since I thought about starting up on one of these servers but I'd like to wait for pop I love the AA grind after you're max so you're not just farming gear but again hate luclin so PoP is best of both worlds for me.

Everytime I say I will wait till like PoP I never actually come back I either don't know about it or I'm just playing something else lmao.


Molten Core Raider
For most of us, EQ has been a game of cycling. I don't know how many times i've gotten a toon to cap, whatever the expansions and whatever the server, and told myself: I AM NEVER GOING TO RE-LEVEL ANOTHER TOON AGAIN... EVER!!! Only to do it again... like 50 times. That IS the game for a lot of us. I wouldn't be down about the current situation. And while i think that 3 months per expansion is maybe 1 month too fast, i know that i'll still be playing up until OoW, which is still more than a year and a half? To me that's some good, free gaming.


<Bronze Donator>
Swag and Niya or something, right? I don't blame her one fucking second. By level 80ish content the horrible healing shitstains had been scoured and the guild went on to greatness. I still have nightmares about doing CH rots there.
Ya I have great respect for healers after that experience, it's like high school all over again. lol

Nameless tribunal.. another guild with trainers. One day was camping efreeti, this gnome necro waffle runs in out of no where trains me, I mez stuff and he realizes I'm winning so he slams disease cloud on every mez n wipes me. Saw him next day m he did it again, never met the guy in my life still not sure why he so jelly but he's on my black book /note

During ragefire I asked myself why I play after my monk was pretty much finished, so I decided phinny was farm time instead of decking out every box I had. That's why I play phinny, but there are fun expansions.. But as fast as ragefire died, rather squeeze krono out where I can instead of investing it. I had 14 phinny staffed djarn full apothic 230 int 60 mages after rage and some only fetched $60. Coulda made more if I had sold staff

Also have a lot of sleeper friends playing that I've kept in touch with for years and my father so it's fun for that too


Blackwing Lair Raider
@Rhuma just send me a tell for a tooth, no need to stress over them. We literally give 95% of them away everyday.


<Bronze Donator>
You know I've been thinking lately, and that isn't a good thing lol.

I've been kinda thinking what the fuck am I doing here in this game. It's fun at times, boring at times, and in between the rest of the time.

But, ultimately we all know where its going to go and what its going to become. We will hit the expansion where EQ is no longer fun to us, and we'll quit. Again.

Then what? There's honestly nothing else out there to fill that old school EQ itch.

I don't know. It just kind of feels like a shit ton of wasted hours with no chance for a better outcome in the end.

I'm not saying I'm quitting, but I'm not saying I'm not either. I just got my wizard to 50, so I'm still here for now.

What do y'all think? Am I just being stupid?
I am currently not guilded, and almost 58 on my mage. Kinda going through this same phase, thinking about hitting 60 and cashing out. As much fun as it has been to randomly log on and play the market, level and fuck around, looking forward I am kinda wondering why I am playing. I'd be more likely to play if the unlocks where longer (6 months probably). Just because it gives me time to walk away from the game, come back and be less behind. EQ serves as my back up game, "When Bored". Certainly know that's not the case for most of the population who want a consistent stream of content. Regardless, Phinny has been pretty damn fun.


<Silver Donator>
Whelp i reached my goal for this week and made 45, almost 46. Not having this xp bonus is going to suck major cock tho, but whatever, i'll soldier through in sebilis or the hole.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I hopped over to Lockjaw and there were only 23 people in Old Seb, whereas there were 8 picks on Phinny. How bad is it now on Prog 3.0 servers?


@Rhuma just send me a tell for a tooth, no need to stress over them. We literally give 95% of them away everyday.
I don't need any teeth, in fact I wasnt allowed to get any medallions.

To be honest I'm disenfranchised with the whole thing at the moment and really bored.

Writing is on the wall.

I keep trying to roll classes but it's still just not fun... I keep saying to myself maybe this class will be fun, I never tried this class.... Truth is its probably not any class but the game as a whole isn't fun, if it ever was.

Having a super twinked double fungi is amazing but after the effect of being super op wears off its back to just the boring of grind. Losing the xp bonus will make me feel even worse.