I'll likely break down and play this, since I've already been catching myself planning what to play. Better than being addicted to crack I suppose.
Thinking Beastlord & Cleric for nice relaxed box team, and all around usefulness. Never played a healer seriously in EQ, I figure Cleric can't be that complicated to get a handle on right? I tinkered with a BST on one of the TLP's, almost a new class compared to back in the day. I'll be maining the cleric essentially, so won't worry about any of the pros vs cons of the bst.
I remember fero being annoying, but it wasn't the worst possible role you could get stuck with in a raid. BST was probaly my favorite alt to raid with during PoP, was pretty relaxed for me. I pressed buttons, the mana starved loved me every 10-15(?)min, and DPS constantly sending me tells sounding like the dude with the cheeseburger in Menace2Society...