I'm in with Faceless as a Beastlord. Rolled one on test and got him to level 60 yesterday so I can figure out a decent gearing route.
Still looking for a static. Prefer one that's going to have at least a little sleep on the first day.
Does anyone have expertise with crafting on these tlp's? One of the gearing routes I'm looking at is just leveling tailoring for Haze Panther set or Acrylia. Curious what kind of time it would take to get to 280 Tailoring from scratch.
Was thinking of doing a beastlord. Did you take him to 60 solo or with other help? Just curious how long it took you and if you stayed with in era stuff.
The various wizard spires across the world.
Antonica = North Karana (loc. -3685, 1209)
Odus = Toxxulia Forest (loc. -1510, -916)
Velious = The Great Divide (approx loc. -1600, -2700) ?
Kunark = The Dreadlands (loc. 3047, 9658)
Faydwer = Greater Faydark (loc. -2023, -441)