I've seen my name thrown around a few times so I wanted to step in and clarify some matters.
Most of you know me from Fippy (or prior Sol Ro days from 99-06). Citizen was never a "day zero" guild, it was something I made a few days in that turned into the underdog, and finally, the eventual powerhouse from Omens until we couldn't progress with 20ish mains total in TDS (21st expansion!)
The lockjaw tenure was more entertaining than anything, I quite enjoyed leading the quickest Naggy/Vox runs, and then leading a band of friends a month into the server when we started raiding. Even though we were substantially outnumbered mains wise (5:1 many times), the wins were certainly bitter sweet and I can't believe the run we gave the other guilds on the server. Phinigel with OGC was a natural evolution to MM, and it was and continues to be a great pleasure to play with many of you in one form or another, even if we weren't on the same team.
The backhistory is important, because throughout the tenure of Fippy, I stayed in touch in one form or another with TL's leadership, by phone or otherwise. Never once did it cross into the real life family domain. The week I gave Zaide my contact information, all sorts of doxxing began with my family's addresses and a slew of other stuff, people literally sent me logs of him spilling personal details on me. The guy would literally sneak into the guild under different characters to engage in subversive activities one way or another. There's certain statutes that can be pursued if someone really wanted to, but it's certainly not worth it to me to end a kid's career in one form or another, personalities like that are self destructive over time anyways. Time changes people, and I hope he'll grow wiser in age to be better person.
I never cared about anything I published online that's readily photoshopped, I'm all smiles to know some people use that material to maintain a hard on in one form or another. When you cross into deeper domains, that's crossing the line, and it's something that resulted me in losing all the respect I had for Zaide and the guilds he runs or ran at one point or another.
I don't think I know a good chunk of the other guys that oversee other uncontested servers, and I know for a fact many of them are stand up guys that I deeply respect, and I'm sure there are many others. I can never, and will never endorse anything related to Zaide at all as a result of the above.
Over the years, I've grown to appreciate the intensity of competition that I've had with TL, and I appreciate how ultimately that lead to more defined and aggressive guilds. This is exactly why I chose to support Amtrak over Faceless on Selo, and I'm proud that Amtrak pulled through with the win even against grave odds. Well done guys, really.
We've got underfoot launching on Phinigel on 3/27 with OGC, and that's going to be a lot of work. I think both Phinigel and Selo will catch up to live at a similar time, in fact, I think Selos may naturally overtake it by a few months, I've gotta do the math. I hope you guys have fun, and keep doing good work. If any of you want to always forward enjoy the content, you always have a home with any of the guilds I run.
I'll leave you guys with a compilation that I had made on Lockjaw, there's quite a few more unpublished screenshots, it was a good time.
EQ EverQuest Phinigel Progression Server
Much love,