beefcakes lololololol your little bitch ass is stole soar? lolol where are the screen shots of me begging? I never once begged for anything bro.Mealin - you were a nobody in Amtrak just like you were on Phinigel. A whiny emo child who blamed all your shit on “drinking”. A drunk person is the same person with no filter. Sit down son.
the dima dox was worse than mine. Dima can tell you more if you ever want to know.Ah yes--I'm familiar with that although it occurred before my time with Faceless, or maybe after I had quit Lockjaw I can't remember the timeline. I thought people were talking about something that had happened on Selo or recently. I would not have doxxed Dima (or anyone) and do not think it should have been done.
beefcakes lololololol your little bitch ass is stole soar? lolol where are the screen shots of me begging? I never once begged for anything bro.
Korrupt talk all the shit you want, lmao your ass it still soar from loosing lololololol.
whoever said I was even in faceless? like you're as dumb of a monkey as calling people American Inventors.
everything I did here was full on trolling to get a reaction from you.
As far as who I am in Amtrak. figure it out.
talk all the shit you want, you still lost lolololololololololololol.
oh yeah, I don't drink you moron. anyone who knows me knows I don't drink and get your toons right if you're going to continue to talk shit. drinking takes away my high when I'm smoking pot.
oh yeah beef..... didn't you RMT your warrior to Astral because you were crying about loot and wanted to main change? sit down son
BTW Dadcop invited me back 3x and I refused as you don't know what you're talking about lol.
As I said it's been fun trolling and learning about lmao.....trolled by fuckin Mabbu lol
autistic screeching...
This person is not in Faceless.
warping is literally a feature of mq2 which your melee have. anyone with eyes can see 90% of your melee instantly move directly to the back of a mob any time its turned
I am so confused, why would you need a bot to rotate around a mob? Is it just part of a overall bot that plays the game for you while away, and the rotating is just part of its optimal positioning? Botting in general is just silly, just afk if you need to afk or log off, jesus people it's a game not a job.
Wait from that one video of danxor straffing in staggers(which I agree looks weird, but I know nothing of mq2 or w/e and actually use straight bard track as my "Eyes"), 90% of our melee is cheating? I must be on different raids, because I see a lot of people eating ripos or attack from the front, even the mob can be turned by a tank on opposite side and people will just stand there waiting for it to turn back around on the other tank them move.
if you go in and watch the video and can get past my horrible camera skills and voice you can see alot of your melee doing it sadly :/
Maybe there is something I've missed but it sounds like there are allegations Faceless Doxxed people in here--if that's true I don't know about it and disavow it, and if there's proof it was Zaide I'll have to seriously consider how I carry the guild forward (i.e. if it will even carry the Faceless name.) If there's actual proof that doxxing occurred, done by a Faceless person please let me know.
I watched it, the first bug the 4 people hitting it(me included) are attacking from the front except danxor. Even the next one he is the only one moving around in stagger strafes like that and everyone else was already behind it attacking.
I think you are seeing things you want to see.