Bronze Baronet of the Realm
- 4,856
- 9,137
that melee plugin is like the last thing that should be complained about when it comes to MQ2 lol
They were using /stick !
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that melee plugin is like the last thing that should be complained about when it comes to MQ2 lol
it looks fishy that is all, the rotating. Also there was no spin, usually there is a small spin when KA readjust the new target, and then runs forward. There is also a small delay in the script. I didnt see anything on that.
The engaging the mob right after that is well what every human would have done.
I never met a Dps class who sat there after a kill, you just tab/cycle and move.
Also if using mq2melle is the worse they did, then that is even less impact-full than using Maps.
ps: give a link to the full video.
This is why you should never vaccinate your kids, everyone.
watch whole video. also half of your raids dps turned off a little into the video when i first uninvis'd. then it got pumped back up and you can see the mq2. ill post the whole 10 min video here.
Have you ever used MQ2Melee/KissAssist?i can understand that, but imagine using kissassist/mq2melee to automate a bunch of melee dps, or afk farm aa's. its a slippery slope for sure
The majority of Amtrak officers have sold loot or RMT’d. That’s the one part of your post that bears any smudge of legitimacy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
warping is literally a feature of mq2 which your melee have. anyone with eyes can see 90% of your melee instantly move directly to the back of a mob any time its turned
Amtrak officer here, never RMT'ed. TYVM.
EQ drama is the best.
I haven't played the game in 14 years but I'm just happy to be reading this thread.
Best entertainment in a long while, brings me back to the old IGN & Ezboard server forums.
E Esai ..Amtrak idiot here, who is so sad and serious about EQ they joined the rival guild to sabotage a static but only made it to level 9 before giving up(coincidentally right after a level 1 cleric DA trained us and after just deciding to wait until UR to pop a 50% group pot from someone other then Esai).
But good acting :
God Cupie, you are cute. MQ2 isn't even supposed to be used on Truebox-TLPs. EQMule implemented code in MQ2 Base under an agreement with DBG that he wouldn't allow a version to be used on Truebox TLPs. That's why, if you load up a legit version of MQ2 from Redguides, MMOBugs or one of the other limited sources, it will crash your game when you try to go into a Truebox server. DBG implemented detection for it. Now that said, if someone were to say... dissect and recompile MQ2, they could make essentially a new program based upon MQ2 Base which bypasses those stop gap measures.
There are other programs that allow you to warp, far-taunt etc... that are NOT MQ2.
If any of our Melee have a working version of MQ2, I'd love to get a copy... because I'd give it to EQMule immediately and let him figure out other ways of disabling the ability to use it on Truebox. There's a reason it was disabled initially. I fully agree that it has no place on Truebox TLP just as I agree with a_skeleton_03 that warping doesn't belong in the game. I wouldn't be nearly as salty with Grisvok if I didn't actually watch him warp between Comms and his camp in Ssra on Grisvok the character and experience the shitbaggery of level 1 trains in Velks and Lower Guk while level and Ssra during our HP kill. I didn't role up level 1s, pay someone $$ for a program to fuck with your teams during leveling or while you were trying to raid.
Outside of that, your execution as a guild was solid. I commend the guild as a whole on the strategy. You guys played the Open World VT / Instance VT card out well. The initial race was fun but I'd like to get back to playing EQ without the shitty tactics.
If im mistaken about MQ2 then I apologize, as i said ive never once used it. Maybe they are using the bot that abyss dude is using or something but it definitely looks sketchy when melee all move at the same exact time in almost the same exact way. Also hi Sil hope you dont hate me because I have no ill will towards you at all <3
I wasn't in FG for that farm but from what I can see of the video, I don't see anything sketchy at all. It looks like strafing to me. Looking at the names there, those are all main melee characters names so that pretty much kills the idea that someone is boxing them. To have that many people all using a hacked version of MQ KISSASSIST that isn't readily available is HIGHLY unlikely. I'm sure if you have spies in our guild as your discord chat claims, they'd see links to said programs if we had all of our melee using it lol
If you think MQ2 isnt on TLP servers you are very sadly mistaken. It has been on every TLP server and will always be. Just takes a half hearted attempt at programming or whatever to circumvent the stuff eqmule put in.God Cupie, you are cute. MQ2 isn't even supposed to be used on Truebox-TLPs. EQMule implemented code in MQ2 Base under an agreement with DBG that he wouldn't allow a version to be used on Truebox TLPs. That's why, if you load up a legit version of MQ2 from Redguides, MMOBugs or one of the other limited sources, it will crash your game when you try to go into a Truebox server. DBG implemented detection for it. Now that said, if someone were to say... dissect and recompile MQ2, they could make essentially a new program based upon MQ2 Base which bypasses those stop gap measures.
There are other programs that allow you to warp, far-taunt etc... that are NOT MQ2.
If any of our Melee have a working version of MQ2, I'd love to get a copy... because I'd give it to EQMule immediately and let him figure out other ways of disabling the ability to use it on Truebox. There's a reason it was disabled initially. I fully agree that it has no place on Truebox TLP just as I agree with a_skeleton_03 that warping doesn't belong in the game. I wouldn't be nearly as salty with Grisvok if I didn't actually watch him warp between Comms and his camp in Ssra on Grisvok the character and experience the shitbaggery of level 1 trains in Velks and Lower Guk while level and Ssra during our HP kill. I didn't role up level 1s, pay someone $$ for a program to fuck with your teams during leveling or while you were trying to raid.
Outside of that, your execution as a guild was solid. I commend the guild as a whole on the strategy. You guys played the Open World VT / Instance VT card out well. The initial race was fun but I'd like to get back to playing EQ without the shitty tactics.