Uh, I guess it doesn't fit the drama-narratives that fuel the cuckbattles on these forums but oddly enough I'm the actual guild leader of Faceless on Selo and I said this weeks and weeks ago:
There was no race (unless you define a race as a contest with 1 participant)--as said publicly on these forums and publicly to my own guild. Our goal was to get time keyed quickly because I think the two month period where Time is the top content is going to be important for overall guild gearing to lead into gear farms in GoD/Omens/DoN after which the difficulty of expansions starts to spike fast and furious and the 4 week unlocks become a real barrier to guild success.
I don't exactly know what happened in PoStorms but whatever it was sped up keying for us big time. Our assumption going in was that Storms would take a couple of days with it being heavily contested. We rushed Justice trials, did the last OW storm boss that was up, then did dz splits of Storms and cleared out some low hanging fruit like Carp/Bertox with the hope that the guild would be feeling decent for the long cuckfest of storms. Instead we zoned in to a huge number of picks that were almost all empty, and we were done keying in like 10 hours vs 30 hours on Agnarr (where we weren't contested at all but were working with like 3-4 total picks due to smaller guild size and no one in there contesting day 1.) It's been a very chill/relaxed expac launch and we're still ahead of when I expected us to finish up, we've gotten good sleep every night and even given people time to XP/fuck around etc. I couldn't be happier with how things have gone in terms of my overall plans for the server at this point.