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I'm a little disappointed that they (DBG) haven't come out and said "yeah we spawned these picks, sorry for making storms easier on everyone that was trying to get their flags done during the initial rush". But if they did that then they get flak from some of the Phinny/Agnarr/Coirnav for not doing it then as well, and it then gives players the reason to cry for it to be done again in the future for some zones so it's pretty much a lose/lose situation for outright admitting to doing it.
To the mystery GM/Dev (anyone that was in tranquility at the start of PoP should be able to figure it out) thanks, the race was long enough without having to spend an extra 10 hours in storms pickracing.
If you don’t think so you are deluded. I was managing three different raids in three picks both in FG and AR single handedly.
It did help the whole server move threw storms a lot faster, no denying that. But that doesn't make it right for Amtrak to exploit it and if you think a gm did this you're fucking high.FG, deep, and storms are spots known for drama. Specifically for people bumping into each other and bottlenecks and grief. Putting up FG picks once the race is already over, deep picks before a major xp event, and storms picks at launch just screams of some kind of CSR type move to try to limit petition volume proactively.
They won't admit to it probably because they assume people will scream for it more and start making demands etc.
These storms picks were probably directly better for faceless than amtrak, and indirectly help everyone on selo except for jealous types.
It did help the whole server move threw storms a lot faster, no denying that. But that doesn't make it right for Amtrak to exploit it and if you think a gm did this you're fucking high.
Gms running around like fairies spawning picks on this server at all the best times/zones, But yeah I'm the delusional one. Rofl
If you don’t think so you are deluded. I was managing three different raids in three picks both in FG and AR single handedly.
I powered through while the other officers slept, which was the point of having multiple officers.
You don’t have the slightest clue of how much effort I put into making sure we were keyed as fast as possible in Faceless. We had 72 keys to their 36-40 or so. I only took two shards that I didn’t farm myself, ME and Katta.
I think you are Hydrops in game? If that is correct you definitely have no clue.
"People that play these servers are retards" - You.If you don’t think so you are deluded. I was managing three different raids in three picks both in FG and AR single handedly.
I powered through while the other officers slept, which was the point of having multiple officers.
You don’t have the slightest clue of how much effort I put into making sure we were keyed as fast as possible in Faceless. We had 72 keys to their 36-40 or so. I only took two shards that I didn’t farm myself, ME and Katta.
I think you are Hydrops in game? If that is correct you definitely have no clue.
The simple fact of the matter of extra picks is this, it doesn't benefit us solely. It's not like we are the only guild that has access to it, the reason it seemingly benefits us more than the other guilds is, we out gear all of the other guilds on this server by a ridiculous amount and that's due to the fact we got every single open world Vex thal loot dropping mob besides 2 Thall Va Xakras. People hating on the "top guild" has and will always be a thing. The thing I find ridiculous is trying to grasp at straws and slander said "top guilds" over hypotheticals.
If you're going to call someone out, at least call them out for something you can prove or you just look like a fool.
I was LFG? Do you know who I am?A few weeks ago you were LFG / LFM b/c nobody was on, Hydrops still leading raids . . . so . . . /shrug
Why don't you amaze us with your technical skills and walk us through how you think that this exploit happened. Just a rough guesstimate of how client side was able to do this.It did help the whole server move threw storms a lot faster, no denying that. But that doesn't make it right for Amtrak to exploit it and if you think a gm did this you're fucking high.
Yup. it only benefited the guilds not trying to race and set records. your right 100% logic there.Don't try using logic with V Vise , he is immune to reason. A pure autist without any inkling of what a rational thought might feel like. Imagine if we actually had the ability to control server side pickzones, and then we only used that power to benefit our competition when it would hurt us the most.