Maybe a week after Kunark, because of the shitshow it might be. MIGHT. Every TLE launch has been a disaster, but since they seemed to have actually fixed something and TEQB guild no longer blows up the server when the batphone rings with 300 people zoning, it might be fixed, 50/50 chance![]()
That's EQ Baby is a travesty.
You're just realizing now that TLP raiding guilds are terrible? Didn't you guys have like... 13 years of TLPs to learn how awful and toxic the TLP raiding guilds are?
The way the servers are set up with Krono farming being a big focus... it's not a big surprise that people can't get along when there's Taco Bell money on the line. At least they have instancing for raids. But that still does not contain the autism of contested / epic quest content.
Anyone want to fill the last spot in a semi-hardcore leveling static? All have wed-fri off, probably playing like 14-16 hours a day or so. Few short breaks in late afternoon to mitigate wife agro.
We're pal, ench, wiz, cleric, bard. Last spot I would prefer either another enchanter, a mage, or maybe a shaman.
Send me a message if interested.
I am part of EQ Baby.
I was going to say, Vets of Norrath has nice people, some mouth breathers for sure, but we've cleared everything. They're a good balanceWhy are people so attracted to thats EQ?
This content is easy as fuck to clear even with average people.
Why are people so attracted to thats EQ?
This content is easy as fuck to clear even with average people.
You can't get as much loot/accounts to sell on redguides at the end of each xpac unless you kill all the contested targets and have high value assets.
There is no other reason.
But with so many people, doesn't the gear average out to just a bit more than a normal guild? Or does some of it get "lost"
Sure, I get they do splits, but are they still doing 3+ splits on things? Most guilds are 2 splitting dragons and planes now anyways.
I figure after a few rounds of TLP, chasing the meta of krono farming is where the fun is.I think the idea is that you get many more drops because you can pop a billion DZ' as well as controlling OW.
At the end of the day..why?
You will kill the KR price of the items you are farming. You will get more of them by proxy but you will saturate the market.
Just seems silly to me to turn EQ into a secondary job of sorts.
You know you've reached peak MMO player status when you adopt a polyphasic sleep cycle based on around regular MMO events.If you're in a guild that gets most of the open world targets, you're going to get more loot even if you don't do a lot of bat phones because the price of gear will decrease for everyone. There's really no comparison. There will be much more loot in the guild as long as they're doing splits.
That said, some people really do make this their second job. There's some targets on Mangler right now that spawn on average every 6 hours and there's some raiders in the top open world guild that were in almost all the open world kills in the first month of the expansion. To me, that's really sad.
I figure after a few rounds of TLP, chasing the meta of krono farming is where the fun is.
AutismI mean to each their own. To me that would be a really shitty second job.
Not only is the pay terrible, but you're also turning something that was fun into something of a grind. You're also killing the experience that other people have playing the game in the process.