How hard are the Dozekar quests to complete? Do most guilds bid out every tear individually?
According to the forums, Sleeper DZ has been cleared already. Just shows how much easier the game is and gets when you can split 3-4 raids compared to previous TLP's.
why even bug the raid mobs out? you should be able to buy all ntov loot soon off Tubbins
Tubbins is on Aradune?
Lmao what? Is this a real quote? It’s hard to believe he’d say that.Damn, Atabashi throwing shadeZaide on the EQ forums...
" Of course Zaide is already claiming cheats and GM help since he claims our time is impossible, but he also said classic wasn't possible to beat in under 7 days and that it wasn't possible to beat their Kunark record, so...."
According to the forums, Sleeper DZ has been cleared already. Just shows how much easier the game is and gets when you can split 3-4 raids compared to previous TLP's.
Gherig said:LOL a_zerg_guild00 took its 200 members and split raid 21 year old content to claim a victory in 12 hour. Do it with 50 and no AOC's like the old days and then we might look up from our coffee today.
Lmao what? Is this a real quote? It’s hard to believe he’d say that.
If you haven't realized yet, the dude is a compulsive liar, and makes up anything that may make him look better.Lmao what? Is this a real quote? It’s hard to believe he’d say that.