Blackwing Lair Raider
- 538
- 311
TEQ woke it to be exact, rampage all quit out after engaging the warderRampage woke the Sleeper.
FaggotsTEQ woke it to be exact, rampage all quit out after engaging the warder
Rampage must be full of idiots and sore losers, Still sour about losing OW content in classic. Nobody in is going to believe you mobilized a force into OW with only the last Warder up Just to "Bait" eqbabies into waking it. It was fully your intentions to wake it.Sleeper video
The part where they realized they got baited was pretty damn funny
If you're in a guild that woke the sleeper, you're a raging faggot. Fuck you faggotSleeper video
The part where they realized they got baited was pretty damn funny
I’ve missed seeing how eloquent you are with your words.If you're in a guild that woke the sleeper, you're a raging faggot. Fuck you faggot
@Atabishi I don't understand what's to be gained from lying here? I never said any of this, in fact I've said quite the opposite directly to you many times. I helped you when you came to me asking for help, I encouraged you to push for fast times, and I congratulated you when TEQB was successful.
Asking me for help:
View attachment 317492View attachment 317491
Thanking me for the help:
View attachment 317490
Refuting the claim I insisted these were impossible:
View attachment 317489
You could do it easily
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Congratulating you on some misc server first and emphasizing that you've got a shot at beating the classic timer.
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Congratulating you on beating EoV
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As for your other claim that TEQB raided with fewer members than Faceless Empire for any "launch" event, that's strictly false and I think easily disproven as well.
Here's an online roster dump the day of Velious launch - Far more level 60's online than Faceless had in 2017 (121).
TEQB guild dump at launch by class+count. According to the online roster dumb 247 of these 252 level 60's were online for Velious launch.
View attachment 317494
We're not competing. I don't have any stake in these servers except that I enjoy seeing guilds push boundaries. TEQB is doing well and I am happy for them, let their times stand on their own merit, don't try to embellish them with lies about your roster sizes or the amount of competition on your server. Certainly don't wholesale make things up and claim that I or anyone else said them.
All sorts of goofed up stuff. VP not being able to charm AJ's like you could on Agnarr+ which could be an advantage/disadvantage. Faster swamp of no hope spawns. I think Kaesora was faster as well? Window of opportunity double rares or double lockouts at the "right" time, etc etc etc. There will always be easier ways to do it in the future than in the past.
They ain't lookin to make EQ MORE challenging after 20 years, that's for sure.
Innate melee damage buffs (Innate Darkblade, etc) going into effect during late Agnarr (iirc), caster damage being miscalculated and increased during Manglers era, etc etc etc. Focus effects were good, but these buffs were immense.Except they nerfed focus effects, which did make the game harder. MQ ground spawns means you could get it in multiple picks with just one no life guy, or if you were Trucidation - one script. All the people talking about an easier game, how exactly? The focus effect nerf alone should be the end of the conversation.
I've been playing poe, and don't even care. It comes off as one group trying to diminish another's accomplishments.
Innate melee damage buffs (Innate Darkblade, etc) going into effect during late Agnarr (iirc), caster damage being miscalculated and increased during Manglers era, etc etc etc. Focus effects were good, but these buffs were immense.
I don't know what you think Swamp does now, but it was easier to script BEFORE with one shitlord sitting there with an autoclicker. Now it spawns in multiple places so you'd at least have to warp to get it. Oh, and you can't MQ them anymore, which you could before which helped some, but no "market" means no shitlords doing it. Only competing guilds which Aradune has/had very few if any.
Ummmmm caster dmg was nurfed not buffed IIRC