Well, then you're probably not doing it rightI did something similar with sparxx UI (before I realized they had a patch for less spell slots), so I'd be shocked if it wasn't similar in other UIs.
<StaticAnimation item = "BW_BuffBackground2">
<StaticAnimation item = "BW_BuffBackground3">
<CX>0</CX> <!-- this is it right here -->
<CY>0</CY> <!-- ...and this little puppy too -->
Size to zero has no effect on the spell gems sadly.
Do you have any idea how to anchor something to the bottom? I can't find any basic documentation on any of this stuff anywhere.
<TileLayoutBox item="BW_Labels2">
<BottomAnchorToTop>false</BottomAnchorToTop> <!--- change this to true --->
<AnchorToTop>true</AnchorToTop> <!--- change this to false --->
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot">
<HotButton item="HB_Button1">
The real question. Is she having fun?