Let me first say that I don't think GMs should enforce anything regarding 3rd party shit on Rizlona, it was supposed to be the Hamsterdam of EQ and that was the draw (at least the way I feel it was presented).
With that out of the way in the 21 years I've played this I've only seen people get erroneously hit by GMs that were doing nothing wrong (at the time) maybe four or five times, the rest maybe all didn't get hit for something they were doing at the time, but they were doing some OTHER shit that justified it. TL (Ragefire) and AoS (phinigel) were some of the first guilds I've been in where it was pretty much out in the open that people were cheating, previously on Live you assumed some people were but it was a don't ask don't tell situation. I've seen a lot of 7 day suspensions for "Cheating" and every one of those people had something in common: they cheated. Maybe they weren't AFK at the time the GM came but they were buying/selling krono on 3rd party sites, actively using SEQ every day, or they were just straight up pieces of shit to people in game.
I think a lot of the recent suspensions are related to what's happening on MMOBugs and potentially ECTunnel
PayPal Drama . Every so often DPG/Darkpaw/SOE whatever will do these sting-like operations on the 3rd party sellers and people get a slap on the wrist.