What does number 1 really mean when content isn't even challenging?
All encounters are well known and get downed first attempt, so it really comes down to which guild's leadership wants to push their members the hardest to get it all done in a night or 2.
Honestly, both guilds should feel happy for the situation. Having contested open world content is a rarity in recent TLPs. It should make the retread early eras a little spicier.
I think FXIV is getting more mobs overall, though.
I think we are all having a lot of fun. It’s nice to experience some mostly cordial competition without a ton of associated drama.
Velious is going to be hilarious if you guys are this hard for Kunark loot.
I hope zlandi drops vulak loot so you guys can raceElderan or one of his friends to Zlandi every however many hours it spawns.
Those 12-18 boxers or the multiple 6 boxer teams are usually the ones that complain about a 36 boxer warping on top of them mid-fight and KSing them on Zlandi.For Zlandi you mostly need to worry about the 12-18 boxer who has it perma camped not someone like me.
Since when does Lodi spawn every 4-6 hours?Lodizal spawns every 4-6 hours also.
I imagine Lodizal will either not share loot or will share it with something else really lame. But, would be quite hilarious if Lodi dropped any real raid loot.
wait how the heck did this get over on this stupid aradune thread?
Since when does Lodi spawn every 4-6 hours?