Just realize what massive faggot you are responding toI really don't think most guilds rely on people boxing MORE than two characters in raids. I just do not see that.
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Just realize what massive faggot you are responding toI really don't think most guilds rely on people boxing MORE than two characters in raids. I just do not see that.
I really don't think most guilds rely on people boxing MORE than two characters in raids. I just do not see that.
Ok for someone who doesn't have any desire to box am I just straight fucking myself if I don't 2 box?
Also can someone give me a run down of what the fuck this shit means? I get that they are limited boxing, I see you get a dedicated GM for the server, but what the fuck is the Mangler XP? What the fuck is Agents of Change or Pick Zones?
Aradune Ruleset -
Mangler XP Progression
Agents of Change Enabled
Pick Zones Enabled
Sorry this is coming from someone who hasn't touched EQ since PoP and has no experience with Daybreak or their bullshit.
Dedicated GM - As far as we know right now. All tickets from Aradune will go to the GMs dedicated to the that server. Meaning they should respond much quicker than normal. Beyond that we dont really know.
Agents of Change - Every raid zone has a AOC where you can spawn a dynamic zone for that raid. Giving you sole access to it. Example Solb has a AoC which spawns a instance of Solb with all mobs including nagafen that you and your friends may enter and kill. No mobs inside a DZ respawn.
Picks - Basically when more than x people (varies by zone) zone in a copy of that zone (without raid mobs) is opened allowing you to /pick into them.
So basically instancing, hmmm doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of classic EQ?
Dedicated GM - As far as we know right now. All tickets from Aradune will go to the GMs dedicated to the that server. Meaning they should respond much quicker than normal. Beyond that we dont really know.
Agents of Change - Every raid zone has a AOC where you can spawn a dynamic zone for that raid. Giving you sole access to it. Example Solb has a AoC which spawns a instance of Solb with all mobs including nagafen that you and your friends may enter and kill. No mobs inside a DZ respawn.
Picks - Basically when more than x people (varies by zone) zone in a copy of that zone (without raid mobs) is opened allowing you to /pick into them.
No see, the goal is to be one of the people at the top, to be one of the people others are waiting on to eat their gluttonous fill. YOU WILL DRINK OF NOUGHT BUT SAND AND EAT OF NOUGHT BUT ASH UNTIL I ALLOW OTHERWISE. Monopolize so much content for so long that everyone else just gives up and you win be default.
Shit, you're right. I played myself.Just realize what massive faggot you are responding to
I mean that was/is EQ in a nutshell ... make sense for a middle aged man past his prime in gaming, and wants to pretend to relive glory days but only in a nerfed cheese fashion but then again if that is where you are then why the fuck are you trying to play EQ in 2020.
Booze, you sound like you want to relive the glory days, as it was back in 99. If you'd like too, there's P99 you can play on. Nothing at all stopping you from doing exactly what you sound like you want.
Don't berate other people for wanting to play a similar, yet updated experience in 2020. Because that's exactly what a TLP is, a similar but updated experience. We've seen what happens when you try to open up raiding to the every-man in games like WoW (LFRs). AOCs are nothing like LFR raiding, they are exactly like the original EQ raids. We know the outcomes of content that is strictly limited (original EQ, P99), generally a single guild controls all of the new content.
One of the reasons that the idea of TLPs appeals to me (this will be my second, but first from launch), is that I'll be mostly able to experience the content in era, as opposed to waiting until the next expansion after, when all the top level guilds have grown bored of that content. I've been there in other games, done that. It no longer appeals to me.
You nerds are super easy to trigger. EQ + Instancing = WoW, get mad for having it pointed out.
I would play this just to ruin Dick Trickles experience.
You wouldn't be able to. Feel free to try!
You say that but then again it only took a couple of post in this thread to turn into a complete sniveling crybaby bitch.