TLP raids are far harder than P99 raids, that's for sure. Classic TLP raid buffs:
1. Mobs have 4x the HP of original classic. This is closer to Velious mob HP than it is to original classic.
2. They mitigate 60% of all incoming damage (This is calculated after AC etc).
3. Being within like 200 range of them reduces all your resists by 40 points. It's like having a negative bard song going.
4. They do double damage, so Nagafen is hitting for 600 damage. Plane of Sky mobs are pushing like 1200-1500 damage, VP dragons are similar.
5. The more pets attacking the mob the less damage the pets do and more damage they take (assuming they take any damage since most people use an unfixed geometry exploit).
6. All pets xfer aggro to their owners, raid mobs will not attack pets other than w/ riposte and AE's.
The buffs that cause this are called Mitigation of the Mighty, Mark of the Old Ways and Presence of the Mighty, they're on all raid targets from classic - pop with the strength dialed back a bit in Velious and beyond.
After playing on TLP's for a decade I tried P99 Green/Teal, I did the server first dragon raids there and I was amazed at how braindead and easy it was. Nevermind the buffs TLP mobs have, but clickies, manastones etc further trivialize already easy content.
I like AoC's because they keep a server alive but produce raid content at 1/7th the rate (roughly) of OW, meaning it still pays to be a winner, and there is reason to do classic EQ shit.
I really dislike pickzones. Pickzones aren't really what people imagine when they think instancing, it doesn't feel instanced since you still have 60 people in Lguk, it's never a private dungeon experience, it just keeps the zones always close to their maximum classic occupancy.
The bad thing with pickzones is that it turns Classic EQ into GukQuest and UnrestQuest. Before pickzones there was a good reason to explore the rest of the world. Now you never see people in 90% of the classic zones and I think that's a shame.