Wrote covered calls on PLTR. $35 strike for Nov. expiry. 60 cent premium. Gonna feast on the time value and close the next downturn. It has been working great the last few cycles.
Somebody bought heavy on that strike this morning...Wrote the $7.5 strike puts on ASTR for $1 premium. November expiry. They should have the rocket launch rescheduled by then.
Took advantage of the jump up today and closed my puts for 70 cents. 30% profit in two days.Wrote the $7.5 strike puts on ASTR for $1 premium. November expiry. They should have the rocket launch rescheduled by then.
These should be tasty today.Picked up some UVXY 24Sept $20C options at $2.44
Let's hope people want to risk-off tomorrow before the holiday weekend.
I still do small quantities of options. If I could devote 8 hours a day to nothing but investing I would be more big ball, but running companies is still my bread and butter and this is still my hobby.Well, good lesson in playing small while learning new trading. Options I have the least knowledge of, but have done a ton of reading over the past 6 months and dabbling with small contracts. Apparenly TOS defaults to 10 contracts and I accidentally ended up going short on UVXY calls (sold naked calls) while the SPY was still dropping. Shit my pants and wiped out my overnight gain for -$23 after closing both long and short positions.
Lesson learned. Apparenly you can change default on options orders.
Sold my calls on the squeeze but it keeps squeezing. FML.Sold covered calls on my SPIR. At the money calls $10 strike Oct expiry 75 cent premium.
Bought the OCT monthlies $25C again here at $1.54 .. I made 100% on this last play and sold when it hit $26.30. I look at this as a free trade.Bought more NCLH calls at 25, lets see if I can keep flipping this bad boy
Bought the OCT monthlies $25C again here at $1.54 .. I made 100% on this last play and sold when it hit $26.30. I look at this as a free trade.
Just trying to trade the range.