I read the opening post and then scanned the following 5 pages. I didn't see a follow-up post about SELLING calls and puts.
So my newbie question, and I'm sure it's probably been answered somewhere in between:
How retarded of a strategy is it to sell a call that's way OTM for a stock that expires, say, less than a couple weeks out? For example right now it looks like I could sell a call for TSLA with a strike price of 855 that expires Oct 21. I would collect a cool $1475 and the odds of that stock hitting 855 by next Thursday is probably non-existent....right??
Another question is, what if it DID hit 855 and you don't actually own those shares? That's called a 'naked' call, right?
EDIT: I just looked at the chart for TSLA. Hitting 855 isn't so far fetched. But my general idea is the same. Perhaps a stock that isn't so bullish.
EDIT2: I may have answered my own question. Spot checking various stocks, any option with a strike price that's unrealistic is effectively worthless. In theory it looks like you could get away with a few bucks but probably not worth the risk/effort.