I'm 34 hours into SE and I think I've spent the last 10 hours just trying to figure out a layout for city blocks (thanks a lot, Tuco!). Now I'm trying to figure out how to actually implement the fucking things. I've got 6 technologies left running on the orange rocket science and then I really need to get my ass into space. But I think it'll probably be another 10+ hours before I get the city blocks actually going so...yeah.
Probably should've figured out the city block thing on a normal playthrough.
Edit: Oh, I did wonder...do I need to use some kind of LTN for this shit? I honestly barely remember how a train network works, and now I'm really compounding the issues. I don't actually know what LTN is for. I have the blueprints, which leads me to believe at one point I did, but that was many years ago.