You know how to fix the problems with MMORPGs? is to change the name of the genre.Don't let them take that acronym! It belongs to the games that actually fit the title. These new games (and the abortions that some old ones have turned into), MMORPG's they are not.
You mean "subscription-based single players RPG with multiplayer lobbies"?to some people MMORPGs means something that I'm really not interested in
At least Nintendo is still making fun games, they don't have suits influencing how they make games.Yes, this is exactly it. Not nostalgia.
That's why when you refer to the 'golden days' of the late NES to early-mid SNES/Genesis era of console and PC gaming, it really, objectively was the golden days. Because the suits and bean counters weren't a major part of the industry, weren't a part influencing design decisions.
It really is a piece of shit industry. Woe to anyone who actually wants to get into it now.
Dead Space, Mass Effect, Dragon Age have all turned to shit in their latest incarnations. The newest Bioshock was pretty good but the ones between it and the original were garbage.But I do enjoy newer franchises like Dead Space, Bioshock, Batman, The Witcher, Mass Effect - it's not like everything has turned to shit and nothing new and good is being made.
Nailed it..One thing I'm doing more of is mixing in a good tv show instead of just coming home and playing game after game.
Then there was the Atrocity that was Asherons Call 2....somewhere there are support groups set up for those poor players that bought in to that gameI really wish the Asheron's Call model would have taken off and been brought to the next level. It was gloriously episodic and if the genre could have been taken down that path, I think gamers would be a lot more engaged right now.
Not a suprise to me... for example the MMO industry as a whole has been really focused on how to capture RMT rather than improving the gaming experience.. which is why we will see more RIFTS and less games with staying power for a while... it has to come from indie now.'fess up: Who here wrotethat article?
now you are going to browse rerolled for hours.Thread bump:
Just uninstalled every game on my computer, which I've done in the past. Uninstalled Steam, everything. I think I left everything off for like 5 months last year (or was it 2012? I can't remember) from about January to May or June, then started creeping back playing this or that.
I don't even play an unhealthy amount of time. I work, I go to the gym, I have social time with friends, and was (until recently) in a long term relationship which is now over. I get off work around 4 PM, I go to the gym, then I go to the local park. Then I'd come home, eat, and find myself playing something for several hours before bed. I always feel guilty about it, telling myself I could be learning something new for three to five hours a night. I'd tell myself "Okay, when I get home from playing tennis tonight, I'm not going to play a game, I'm going to study French." Then inevitably I'd start playing something until 11 PM, and go to bed.
So, here I am desktop is all nice and uninstall program list is down to the bare minimum and Google Chrome and a couple of utilities.
#5. We Put People Who Don't Know Gaming in Charge'fess up: Who here wrotethat article?