And you can trust Dumar on this, he's an authority on herpes-ridden whores. And don't let him near any horses.
But I don't get it. You enjoy playing games, so you uninstall everything and quit cold turkey because...? What are you punishing yourself for? Who the fuck really wants to go to the park every day or learn French?
I mean, I get that playing video games won't make anyone the Most Interesting Man in the World. And doing it day after day gets really old (see thread.) But running on a treadmill or loafing around in the park isn't going to do that either. The idea is variety. For all I know you just have an addictive personality and can only focus on one thing at a time.
Hell, mostly it just comes down to budget. Have good money? Well you can afford to do cool things and don't really need video games or tv or movies. If that's the case, what the fuck are you doing here? But if you're barely making it day to day, there's only so much cheap entertainment out there. It's that or get drunk all the time to take your mind off of your misery. Do you want to be the guy who has his own goddamn reserved seat at the bar? My stepdad's week is to work until he can't stand the pain any more, then rush home and get drunk alone in front of the tv.
Of course, I'm a bad example. Gaming has pretty much become the only thing I know how to do, and I'm bored to death of it. But that's not for lack of quality or trying to do other things. They just either didn't work out well, ran their course, or I couldn't find anyone to do those things with. And so for the last couple of years I've done basically nothing, and I feel worse off than ever. But gaming is not the cause, it's simply the effect of having shit else to do and nobody to do it with. Sure, if I won the lottery, I'd never touch a video game again. Who the hell would? Because money without obligation = ultimate freedom. But I'm fucking trapped and I have to fill the time with something that keeps my mind off of how god damn miserable life is.