this would be a fine f2p game
Not the first game to do that. Like when UT said way before launch that ESO would turn F2P within 6 months of release and that most likely the plans to do so was already in place at time of launch, but the devs want the $ from the early adopters (beta testers).
The card packs and skill system is somewhat built on for microtransactions as well. So pay $60 for the access for launch while they iron out the bugs and develop micro transactions for things like base expansions and skill cards. In six or so months when the playerbase has dropped drastically (estimate 3 months until you start seeing half off sales), change the payment model to F2P with a store. Maybe even entice people coming back to it with a "free" expansion to the game along with the re-launch.
I am so cynical these days.
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