Fallout 76


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I did run into an interesting bug today. So I see ammo factory says "unowned". Cool, I need .308 ammo. So I go up there and claim it, but a player name appears as owning it. Odd, I think. So I check the map and don't see the player name and assume that maybe they weren't on the server anymore. Suddenly the music changes and I'm like, combat? Then I get one shot by the player with a .44 pistol who is suddenly here. FFS


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Uh oh cybsled is even starting to get pissed now. Don’t let Todd Howard know!
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Molten Core Raider
Todd quit shilling here and go fix your game.

How about I just give you 500 atoms instead? Game is buggy and Bethesda are making some real retarded moves reacting to the shitstorm that has come their way. That said the actual moment to moment gameplay of 76 is just flat out more enjoyable than Fallout 3 or 4. I would probably be more upset about the bugs if the game was by any other developer, but when you buy a game that says "Bethesda" on the box you know its gonna be a spaghetti code mess.
  • 1OK, Sure
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
How about I just give you 500 atoms instead? Game is buggy and Bethesda are making some real retarded moves reacting to the shitstorm that has come their way. That said the actual moment to moment gameplay of 76 is just flat out more enjoyable than Fallout 3 or 4. I would probably be more upset about the bugs if the game was by any other developer, but when you buy a game that says "Bethesda" on the box you know its gonna be a spaghetti code mess.

"The box said "Free Anal" so I mean should I be mad that I'm the one getting fucked in the ass when I thought I would be the one doing the fucking?"
  • 1Worf
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
One thing I would like them to change is the vendor roulette you have to go through to get rare/desired mods. Want a X-01 Jetpack? Calibrated Shocks to increase carry weight? Better get super lucky and find a vendor selling them, which appears random and usually involves you spam server hopping in the hopes you find it.

It could be a good way to build faction stuff and create a focus for the players. For instance, there are usually random Enclave missions on the map. Maybe create some type of credit system and you get credit for each completed mission. Run enough and you can cash in those credits for things like specific X-01 mods.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
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Trakanon Raider
Fallout 3: “Where’s my dad?”
Fallout 4: “Where’s my son?”
Fallout 76: “Where’s my refund?”
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Avatar of War Slayer
I'm with cybsled on this. That bag for the presser is a different bag, and a different event etc. 20 gift bags for the presser, which even here is being show to cost less then $5, is an entirely different beast, then the thousands of dufflebags for the collected edition. Granted, also probably cheap as fuck. But, its not fair to compare apples to oranges. its like retards and the "pink tax". Its never the same product. Even different colors, IS A DIFFERENT PRODUCT. those bags are even further divested. They are not comparable.

How they handled this shit is retarded, and they deserve the outrage. But, this other bag nonsense is bullshit.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I'm with cybsled on this. That bag for the presser is a different bag, and a different event etc. 20 gift bags for the presser, which even here is being show to cost less then $5, is an entirely different beast, then the thousands of dufflebags for the collected edition. Granted, also probably cheap as fuck. But, its not fair to compare apples to oranges. its like retards and the "pink tax". Its never the same product. Even different colors, IS A DIFFERENT PRODUCT. those bags are even further divested. They are not comparable.

How they handled this shit is retarded, and they deserve the outrage. But, this other bag nonsense is bullshit.
Its got a picture of a canvas bag on the box with the included items. There is really no excuses here.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Advertised bag, still listed as "canvas" and shown on the Bethesda FO76 website VS what people actually got:


More pictures of the bag:


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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
At this point i bet they’re happy the bag debacle is taking heat off of them releasing a broken shitty aaa priced game.

Lawyers will figure it out and it won’t cost them that much. Meanwhile the brand tarnishing point of the whole thing (shit game) is less the focus.


<Silver Donator>
If I was a manager at Bethesda, I would have ordered the thousand bags in China EXPRESS-NO-MATTER-THE-COSTS-TOMORROW and sent it to the CE owners and apologize. After the whole FO76 shitshow they really need to stop counting the money from the 25 mill. Skyrim copies sold and work on their reputation. People punish them with their wallet for Starfield with creation engine after all this.
Also: if they fix like 5 bugs every two weeks like announced, this game won't be bugfree 2118.
  • 1Worf
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
If I was a manager at Bethesda

If you were a manager for Bethesda, you would have been fired for this because it is a "waste of money".

Why do people buy their shit?

We ALL know they are day one buggy as fuck messes that rely more on user generated fixes now than internal patches. We all know that ES6 is going to be a shit-filled mess.

The "Fiscal Impact" of this shit will be MAYBE 1000 Collector edition refunds for several reasons, people are lazy as fuck and a refund is inconvenient, a lawsuit is even more inconvenient. Unless the lawsuit thing becomes a meme and a TON of people do it, the net impact on Bethesda will be so marginal it will be forgotten by TES6, then they will milk TES6 for 15 years.

I've totally lost hope that any of these companies will ever turn around and be like..."What the fuck are we doing, why aren't we releasing good games without a ton of bullshit anymore, lets change that!"
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Avatar of War Slayer
Its got a picture of a canvas bag on the box with the included items. There is really no excuses here.
there is no excuse for the CE.

The bag from Greenbriar event is completely unrelated. Its a different bag. Stop conflating the two.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
there is no excuse for the CE.

The bag from Greenbriar event is completely unrelated. Its a different bag. Stop conflating the two.
The point is they care more about shills than actual paying customers. Not that the CE didnt come with that specific bag.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Trade show/special event swag for press/celebs/streamers is always its own thing and is usually budgeted as advertising. That is pretty normal across the industry. Stuff in an item for general sale to the public isn't.


At this point i bet they’re happy the bag debacle is taking heat off of them releasing a broken shitty aaa

Bro when my mom is sending me Fallout memes she got from Facebook that came from Reddit and No Mutants Allowed....

Ya done son.

  • 4Worf
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