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Thanks, I never bought the game and almost picked it up over Christmas. Guess I'll finally give it a whirl.![]()
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Mary Suestarting this up.
regarding, lucy getting beat up/winning in the vault. and strong female protagonist.
I think this goes both ways. They did a good job setting her up as capable. "im ok in rifle training" cuts to a very clustered bullseye shots. Vault dwellers get trained for combat.
weapons everywhere. armory, "break glass in case of emergency", with a gun, etc.
Raiders are typically untrained pyschos. streetfighters yes, but not actually military/combat trained. lucy starting the fight with improvised weapons might be iffy.
the biggest issue here probably is just that she stands out so much. the other vault dwellers were shown to be hopelessly naive and incompetent in a fight, save blond pregnant friend, and her dad. that probably could have been done better. majority of the vault getting locked off via security protocols. only a handful of vaultdwellers forced to deal with superior raider numbers. so the others could be shown as competent, but badly outnumbered, and surprised.
Tranny. hard to say. how much of the fallout super science is canon? should the tranny actually be 100% passing in fact? is full gender swapping via the medical machines and plastic surgeons actually canon?
Tons of drug labs. jet, etc.... possible that way a well.
would the brotherhood of steel give a shit? that im not sure on.
power armor cgi in ep1 was awful.
this does feel like its focusing more on the hyperviolence then story.
She didn't overpower a male twice her size and quadruple her strength with a knife sticking out of her gut? He just patiently waited and stuck his neck out for her to slice him when he had all the time in the world to slice her open from top to bottom.First episode was great - liked the vault. The kid who played the daughter in the intro was a pretty good actor - the “is it your thumb or mine?” delivery was heartbreaking
Seems to capture the spirit of the game well
Not sure why the usual suspects on the forum are crying about Lucy - she never once overpowered anyone unrealistically
Well, you can kill low level raiders right away in basically any fallout game so her combat attributes don't have to be that high, especially since she hasn't really faced much more than that and she was provided some level of training. She made plenty of mistakes so I would say her perception is fairly low. She has failed in sweet talking a number of characters so also probably low charisma. Has a fair amount of vault knowledge and has adapted fairly well so I'll give her good intelligence.Does she, the main character, seem like a character that comes out of the vault with a starting stat distribution, like she got a couple of levels in her vault before leaving, or does she seem like someone who used a mod to have a better starting setup?
Odd thing to ask but something I am genuinely curious about.
I don't know that that character is supposed to be a tranny in the show world, though. It's just a tranny actor making it unnecessarily confusing for a viewer.starting this up.
regarding, lucy getting beat up/winning in the vault. and strong female protagonist.
I think this goes both ways. They did a good job setting her up as capable. "im ok in rifle training" cuts to a very clustered bullseye shots. Vault dwellers get trained for combat.
weapons everywhere. armory, "break glass in case of emergency", with a gun, etc.
Raiders are typically untrained pyschos. streetfighters yes, but not actually military/combat trained. lucy starting the fight with improvised weapons might be iffy.
the biggest issue here probably is just that she stands out so much. the other vault dwellers were shown to be hopelessly naive and incompetent in a fight, save blond pregnant friend, and her dad. that probably could have been done better. majority of the vault getting locked off via security protocols. only a handful of vaultdwellers forced to deal with superior raider numbers. so the others could be shown as competent, but badly outnumbered, and surprised.
Tranny. hard to say. how much of the fallout super science is canon? should the tranny actually be 100% passing in fact? is full gender swapping via the medical machines and plastic surgeons actually canon?
Tons of drug labs. jet, etc.... possible that way a well.
would the brotherhood of steel give a shit? that im not sure on.
power armor cgi in ep1 was awful.
this does feel like its focusing more on the hyperviolence then story.
The opening sequence establishes her as an accomplished mary sue right from the jump. She's a science expert, expert gymnast, expert martial artist, expert marksmanship...Does she, the main character, seem like a character that comes out of the vault with a starting stat distribution, like she got a couple of levels in her vault before leaving, or does she seem like someone who used a mod to have a better starting setup?
Odd thing to ask but something I am genuinely curious about.
Yeah, I guess I forgot all that was tied to. Still seems medium at best. Like, she definitely failed all of the non combat related perception checks.high perception. showed her rifle training, and she picked up on her husbands wounds, and checked his radiation, and dartgun.
Well women, of course, want to pretend they are just as strong as men. Outside of that, only degenerate faggots who wanted to RP that they were Girl Boss lesbians played female characters... wait, what were we talking about again?I miss the times of suspension of disblief. You could play as a woman in Fallout 4 and do all the same shit as the male counterpart and I really dont remember anyone bitching, is it really all that different just because its a TV show?
No really, I am asking what the difference is.
Noticeably worse than The Boys(s1 at least, 2 and 2 where awful imo). Ignoring the pants on head retarded overall plot, theres quit a bit of cringe and just idiocy sprinkled throughout it. An in your face pregnancy water break moment? Cringe "do you want to have sex" to a rando guy she just met after the last guy she had sex with turned out to be a murdering rapsit? Awful "foreshadowing" that the writers clearly thought they where smart by putting in?its not remotely that bad. at worst its another The boys.
is goggins mr. house as well?
seems odd to be focusing on vault tec, and "someone is behind this". I mean they mention the enclave of course, but this seems focused on vault tec, not the enclave.
obviously implying a lot of backstory stuff. the female raider not being just a raider. having dealings with lucy's father. "vault 32 up to things" not standard vault stuff either.
Eugenics? two vaults with a breeding program... that could further explain any above average performance from lucy.
The Enclave is what is left of the US government after the bombs fell and there is zero way Vault Tec could have done all hidden testing programs without the government knowing about it (probably gave them parameters to a bunch of tests as well). But I'm not sure if the characters in the show would really know if Vault Tec was up to anything nefarious. Their vault overall seems like one of the better ones.Enclave and Vault Tec were in cahoots from what I recall from the games. The Enclave originally wanted to live off-planet and the vaults were testbeds for that