She got thrown all around even stabbed by an experienced raider on a mission yet still somehow won.I hope the forum appreciated Lucy getting thrown around like a ragdoll by her husband in that fight.
I really dont like the power armor, has no consistency to it. Apparently has the power to fly like its looney tunes then other times its some slow barely agile sack of potatoes. Power to hurl a big heavy rock like its a baseball but cant break any bones or rip any limbs off.
Oh, get over it, it's not like she's been invincible and immediately all powerful like Rey or something. She's failed and succeeded. This isn't the tale of the average vault dweller in the wasteland, it's the tale of a person who survives. She's been saved multiple times by other people. Have you seen the bridge scene yet? Not quite a boss there.Watching this now just past ep 4. I said in ep 1 that Lucy was gonna girl boss her way through the wastelands. Looks like I was right so far.
That stood out to me in the trailer, just lack of attention to detail. A cabinet full of dishes in a near collapsed sand filled house but the dishes in the cabinet are all relatively clean now piled up with a century or two of dust and cobwebs.It may be the acting ( or lack of ) or the fact the sets often look too good as in spotless but with dirt nice and tidy piled in places to look messy? Not sure how to describe a clean dirt but this is it.
This was not good, even ignoring the degenerate retard who bluntly stuck his vore breeding fetish into ep6.
Ep1 starts off alright and sets thing into motion. Then absolutely nothing happens for the next 6 episodes. Get to episode 8 and you get dumped all of the story in the most crude way possible, 100% dialogue dumps followed by a brainless action sequence. Worst of all its Resident Evil sequels tier comically bad. Yeah Vaultec and the various corps in the games where borderline over the top evil and parodies, but that does not work at all in a TV show like this. It just sounds and looks utterly ridiculous.
As far as wokeness, its certainly there. Endless diversity, some very clear heavy girl power/plot armor moments, clear political references at the very end to make a certain political figure/party look bad etc.
One thing I really didnt like
Nice cameo by mr house but he comes off as comically stupid evil as the rest of the corpos when I dont remember him being like that at all in NV.
And along those lines why are we supposed to care about Coggin's wife when his wife is shown to be another vapid comically evil corporate type? He should want revenge for what she helped perpetuate not trying to find his family"
That stood out to me in the trailer, just lack of attention to detail. A cabinet full of dishes in a near collapsed sand filled house but the dishes in the cabinet are all relatively clean now piled up with a century or two of dust and cobwebs.
I agree with most of this except the tranny makes even less sense there. You are getting hormones and surgery where? Mostly though I was bored watching it because I felt no connection to any character and the game stuff felt like an endless checklist. There are scenes I liked a lot, like the sex after the wedding and the aftermath, but not because I was happy for her and horrified later. It was relatable and then really not. I'll plow through some episodes tonight and hope i like those more.This is going to be one of those like 12 Monkeys on Scifi years back where I have to watch it 5x to see it. I just keep losing interest and go on doing other shit with it running in the background. I like it, just not keeping me peeled to the TV. It may be the acting ( or lack of ) or the fact the sets often look too good as in spotless but with dirt nice and tidy piled in places to look messy? Not sure how to describe a clean dirt but this is it.
The creatures are good if a bit lacking in nonstop shit in the games but the show is one here one there kind of thing. I feel like the whole first episode should have been 2 or 3 because as it is it never developed enough for me to care about any of the characters. The ghoul had more backstory and sympathy then Lucy or Max did and as a result I root for the bad/good ghoul guy over everyone else. They just zip all over hitting game milestones I feel like I am watching a quest recap and not a series.
That all said I plan to watch it a few times until I feel I caught it all even with the distractions of other things and I am enjoying it is a very mature rated show for good reason.
For once a tranny didn't bother me at all. Everyone is irradiated, mutated, half inbred and well eating each other, so a tranny fits right in TBH.
Hell yeah, RIFTS was great. Such a cool world, or worlds. System was kinda clunky, don't believe they ever revised it. Think the last character I played was a Mega Juicer in a brief campaign in college. Think my favorite dimension book was Wormwood, such a cool idea. All of their stuff was just so interesting and creative.Watched the first episode on my phone camping in the bush. Never played the game itself but enjoyed it from what I know of the series..
I played heaps of rifts RPG back in the day, I want that armour..