He showed his acting chops in the Shield and then took it to a whole other level on S1 of Justified. That's why they unkilled him.They gave him a shit character for a few episodes Justified and ended up signing him for the rest of the series.
The upside to having low expectations is that you can be pleasantly surprised if it ends up being ok!
started filming on the sets above on Staten Island. Don't expect the TV show to be good but at least Walter Goggins should be fun to watch
started filming on the sets above on Staten Island. Don't expect the TV show to be good but at least Walter Goggins should be fun to watch
Wait a minute, man… (punny, huh?)To be fair, Fallout games kind of hinge on morality (or lack there of).
It doesn’t exactly paint Vault Tec, WestTek, Enclave, Institute, etc in a positive light due to their almost complete lack of morality