Fantasy Grounds Curse of Strahd campaign


Silver Knight of the Realm
Dueling adds +2 damage to a weapon when you are not wielding one in your other hand. A shield is not a weapon! Therefore my attacks with my warhammer will do 1d8+2 before any modifiers.


Sword and board is ideal for Dueling(different from two weapon fighting), that extra damage is nice.
On that point I don't disagree.

I just read it differently as I consider a shield a weapon (just an innately defensive one, as it is in real life). /shrug


Silver Knight of the Realm
On that point I don't disagree.

I just read it differently as I consider a shield a weapon (just an innately defensive one, as it is in real life). /shrug
Well, eventually I will be using it as a weapon when I take Shield Master as a feat, but that will not be for a long time.

Here is my character bio Hatorade, it is long and has very poor grammar, but its a very nice starting point.
Name: Nalgah Orktusk (formerly Braan Hammerhand)
Race: Half-Orc (Mountain Dwarf)
Weight: 250
Eyes: Golden
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black with Full Beard
Age: 30
Point Buy, 27 total, equal to standard array.
Stats: Base Race ASI Total @ lvl 4-6 (wherever we are)
Str: 15 2 2 19
Dex: 12 0 0 12
Con: 15 1 0 16
Int: 8 0 0 8
Wis: 13 0 0 13
Cha: 8 0 0 8
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Class: Fighter - Champion
Background: Soldier/Gladiator/Outcast

Often mistaken for a normal, albeit husky, human; with grey hair, a full beard and his tusks ground down to the nub, one can easily see characteristics of his dwarfish heritage. Born the son of a mountain dwarf woman who had been captured and raped by orcs, he was hidden by his mother away, who had miraculously survived her unfortunate circumstances due to her natural hardiness. Unable to kill her own child, he was raised as any other dwarf boy would be raised. His skin was naturally pale and hair was black, similar to many dwarfish boys his age. His mother would grind his ever growing tusks down to the nub as to not bring about any suspicion of the boy's lineage.
As he progressed in age, he began training, just like the other dwarfish boys his age did. Heavy armor, a shield and his Warhammer became extensions of his body throughout the years of training. His natural size and strength put him head and shoulders above the other boys in his training classes. He eventually went on to become the leader of his battalion and lead his group of infantry men in to many battles.
On his 18th nameday, while fighting a group of orcs, his "cover" was unfurled. He had unknowingly run across the same group of orcs that has raped his mother and born him. Although these orcs did not know him and were unaware of the fact that his mother had survived, they were able to sense the orcish in him. As the battle was won, and he was making his rounds slaying any orc survivors that may have been left, one orc looked at him, with a look of knowing. The orc spoke to him, "I see the orcish blood in you boy, you can hide it behind that beard and dwarfish armor, but I can SMELL it in you boy!" With that statement, he brought his hammer down square on the orcs head, smashing his face and caving his skull. Unfortunately, his commanding officer had been right there to hear what the orc had to say and went investigating his lineage.
6 months later.
After being imprisoned for months after his commanding officer found orc blood in this supposed dwarf warrior, he was dragged, naked, to the pits. With his tusks grown out fully, he looked up in horror as his mother was also there in the pits. She was strung up, hanging above a large fire pit. She was to be sentenced to death by burning, to cleanse her soul of her sins of bringing a bastard orc in to the under-mountain. He watched as the fire was lit and she was lowered in to the flames, screaming his name, the only name he had ever known...
Tried as they might, the nobles attempted to rid the world of this half-orc, yet they could not. They had trained him too well and they were unable to kill him in the pits. No matter how close to death they could bring him, he always had one final attack to bring his opponent down.
After years of fighting in the pits, and earning renowned world wide, the dwarf nobles sought to bring an end to this thing that mocked them so openly. In one final attempt to end his life, his former infantry was brought to surround and kill him execution style. In a twist of events, his former infantry-mates were unable to bring themselves to execute the half-orc, but instead awarded him with few parting gifts...A set of chainmail, a shield, a Warhammer, a hand crossbow, an adventurer's pack, a warning to never return, and a name.Nalgah Orktusk.
Outcast, Nalgah set forth in to the world, seeking to find his place.

My actual in character sheet background stuff will be filled out tonight, around 7-730 before we start.


A nice asshole.
Thursday group is only level 4. Not even really close to 5 either!
Oh yeah...campaign ends sometime after level 5


"Where the hell is the 'elf'?"
"What are you doing with the carcass?"
:Sounds of butchering followed by sizzling of meat and flesh:

:Eondiil slams the end of his spear into the beast laying in the center of the room:


:walks out of the room:


Silver Knight of the Realm
So last night was super fun. Playing in the Monday/Wednesday group is much different because it is a smaller group versus Thursday...I mean we had 8 people on, good grief!


A nice asshole.
Yeah last night was great, the chaos from the fire was hilarious as very few players reacted to the fire like one should(though maybe I should have called it a raging inferno instead of a wave of fire).

My only complaint was the map was a little small for so many party members.


Doer of Things
Haha yea the way you worded it initially made me think that it was a smaller fire on the other side of the door, with Hob's possibly right on the other side (hence my decision to stick my beautiful hair into it).


A nice asshole.
"Where the hell is the 'elf'?"
"What are you doing with the carcass?"
:Sounds of butchering followed by sizzling of meat and flesh:

:Eondiil slams the end of his spear into the beast laying in the center of the room:


:walks out of the room:
I was wondering where you were going with that
Thank you for the Donation!

Haha yea the way you worded it initially made me think that it was a smaller fire on the other side of the door, with Hob's possibly right on the other side (hence my decision to stick my beautiful hair into it).
I relied on the flame token to show the size, I will create a sense of urgency better next time.