Fantasy Grounds Curse of Strahd campaign


Silver Knight of the Realm
Nalgah used to be an dwarven infantry battalion leader, you guys should listen to him, he will not steer you wrong.


That'll be fun. Two tested veterans and two prideful dragon whelps. Wonder if they're going to appreciate your leadership more than Eondiil's in battle. Are you going to be my captain Rush so I can handle the strategy while you handle the men? First thing to focus on teaching them regardless (now that they seemed to learn not to stand in the doorway - ahh my babies are learning
) is how to form a skirmish line.

About the owl bear. . . Eladrin are fey (whom crossover from the feywild and elves descend from in the material realm). Sticking a perversion of nature in front of an Eladrin is an afront to their very essence. Not even the elf-orc thing is as bad.


Doer of Things
So playing the cleric was actually pretty fun, but I have to come clean about this. At the end of the night I noticed that Prayer of Healing is a 10 minute cast time, pretty sure I burned all 3 of my level 2 spells casting it throughout the night lol. Playing the buff/heal bitch, while not as fun as seeing the big number crits from a rogue or the massive number of attacks from a raging berserker, was still fun. Blessing was pretty awesome, can't think of a time where it saved anyone on a save-roll but think a few attacks that wouldn't have landed definitely landed because of it.


A nice asshole.
So playing the cleric was actually pretty fun, but I have to come clean about this. At the end of the night I noticed that Prayer of Healing is a 10 minute cast time, pretty sure I burned all 3 of my level 2 spells casting it throughout the night lol. Playing the buff/heal bitch, while not as fun as seeing the big number crits from a rogue or the massive number of attacks from a raging berserker, was still fun. Blessing was pretty awesome, can't think of a time where it saved anyone on a save-roll but think a few attacks that wouldn't have landed definitely landed because of it.
Yeah you were also casting casting spells that weren't prepared, I let it slide for fun/smoothness because you are new to 5e clerics.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Tighten down the screws! Make us play (almost) by the rules!

I will admit, I do not like having to prepare spells, but I do like only being able to cast a certain number per level. (I don't have to because I don't have spells, but I mean the concept of preparing spells is very meh.)

I can't wait to start shoving people prone and hammering them to death next game!


A nice asshole.
Tighten down the screws! Make us play (almost) by the rules!

I will admit, I do not like having to prepare spells, but I do like only being able to cast a certain number per level. (I don't have to because I don't have spells, but I mean the concept of preparing spells is very meh.)

I can't wait to start shoving people prone and hammering them to death next game!
Don't worry I just made the mobs hit harder, the more the PCs "cheat" the more bad shit happens to offset, keeps it fun for both the players and DM


Silver Knight of the Realm
That's why I got fucking two shot...+9 to hit by King Groll...good grief!


Silver Knight of the Realm
I was playing by the rules, and i even went deep in to the PHB to take a dodge action! I should get rewarded for knowing the rules!


A nice asshole.
Nothing wrong with being excited I want to play too but yeah I need some time to prepare and down time is always a good thing.


I'd DM for you if this was a local game (because that FG license cost is a bit much). I had a campaign similar to PotA/EE mixed with a Battle of the Five Armies that my group enjoyed when I ran it. Plenty of stuff to kill for the hobos, but also a lot of background quests that added up to the main arc. Although I still want to see what would become of the user-remix of the Orcus campaign from 4e - that shit had some pretty nifty events and traps.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I teach at a high school, and we have a tabletop games club. I'm working on developing a one shot with a student in order to get some of the other kids off of pathfinder and hooked on dnd5e. Any ideas for a premise or where to start?


I teach at a high school, and we have a tabletop games club. I'm working on developing a one shot with a student in order to get some of the other kids off of pathfinder and hooked on dnd5e. Any ideas for a premise or where to start?
Considering PF is for most intents 3.5++ your options are pretty limitless for direction in trying to convert.

There's always the classic abandoned wizard tower/spire to draw everyone together to see if they work well as a group // gives you plenty of options for a mix of role and roll play and sets you up for anything to follow. I did one set in Icewind Dale and it transformed from a 1 shot to a pretty involved campaign until changing schedules exploded the group. Necromancers are always fun and fit in almost any setting... maybe mix in a little 13th Warrior as a connecting story? Crime Syndicate faction wars over a town/city are easy to do. The Black Pits from BG can be twisted into a rough and tumble intro that starts with roll play and evolves into a mix when trying to escape the pits between the daily fights. Caravan guards traveling down the lonely rode is good if you want to give them a chance to use more role play with bursts of roll play if/when things die down. Maybe convert the Van Hellsing movie? Can use classical literature monsters as the basis for individual assignments. Take it a step further and make it a gothic low magic setting and turn it into a horror session with a house/lair full of traps or minions constantly shuffling players around making it a question of whether or not they can make it to and withstand going against the final baddie without planning a trap a la Van Hellsing.

Without knowing the kind of players you have it's a little hard to customize it for what you're looking for, but if you want to sell 5e I think the benefits come out of streamlined combat, the ease of converting ideas into actions (by removing specific rules for everything from 3.5/PF), backgrounds/factions making role play "easier", and trying to give every class something fun they can nearly always do.


A nice asshole.
I teach at a high school, and we have a tabletop games club. I'm working on developing a one shot with a student in order to get some of the other kids off of pathfinder and hooked on dnd5e. Any ideas for a premise or where to start?
My go to for fresh faces:

If you don't know how they play and/or they aren't sure what they want to play I suggest a carnival/circus with all applicable games like wrestling, archery, axe throwing etc, have a traveling library boasting rare books, basically anything each base class would find interesting. If a player wants to steal something, have a thief bump into one of them and steal their money. Describe some one as an easy mark, if they get away with it nothing more happens, if they are caught have another player character catch them and have them resolve it on their own with a few nudges as needed. Just really set the scene and the players will gravitate to what they find interesting, make note of all their actions and use that to determine their starting alignment/class etc.

Part two is "haunted" mansion the player hear about this abandoned mansion in the wood somewhere, few ways to get the hooks going is they can hear about it by walking into a room and have a guy looking to hire folks to clear it out and share the profits which is the easiest way but that might lead to no one being interested. Another way is lets say they catch a thief and want to bring him to the constable or whatever, they could run into a frustrated man asking the local law for help and them ignoring him, he can say things like a ghost has my wife or something equally crazy. Or just have a help wanted ad somewhere. They will need at the very least an empty wagon to haul back the loot.

Anything to get them on the path to the mansion, on the way to the mansion they are ambushed by bandits or maybe undead. Either way have the mansion obviously be their home base, but make it empty except for strange noises, stuff disappearing that was just there, knives or forks stinking into the door/wall where they were just standing etc. Make the place seem haunted but also explainable if a master thief was stalking around them as well, have them discover the true nature of the house and fight some more mobs like bandits or undead, make them feel safe and as night falls and they are leaving they catch a blue glow from upstairs bedroom. Again make it empty, have them search the room and find a ring(up to you if magical or not) but when they pick it up all the doors/windows magically seal them in and a very slow moving(immune to physical damage and heavy magic resists as well) wraith/specter appears you want it to glide towards whomever has the ring, moving through any object with ease. This specter on touch deals con dmg and ages you a % of life based on race. Con dmg is hilarious and so much worse than HP damage. Have a few solutions to the puzzle, one being destroy the ring, maybe have aBed warmer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediasomewhere they can use to melt the ring, if there is a fire place and they manage to get it lite have the ring take a few rounds to melt. Adjust as needed to make it feel dangerous but not hopeless, if they solve the puzzle super quickly and destroy the ring with no one taking any hits make the spectre/wraith an abomination now set free and very real. It can pounce on someone immediately and do a bunch of damage, or have something gross happen like lots of appendages reach out and grip/grapple/push everyone around, maybe out a window, through a wall etc. This will give them an exit/chance to flee, if they do flee have the house eat itself and disappear. Since it is a one off and depending on how you feel they will take it you can kill them all if they don't flee/solve the puzzle.

This sets a bar of yes I will kill you, don't be stupid. I left a lot of it as vague as possible so you can add the stuff you want, just don't over prepare, first game focus on description of things and let them for the most part move the story a long.

Also always reward 20's on any kind of skill checks.


Silver Knight of the Realm
They are pathfinder veterans, but I do not know them well yet to know how'd they play. Above sounds like a great idea. I'm gonna get with the student that wants to dm and work with him.