Far Cry Primal


I am not sure what you are talking about, Diablo 3 and Rome 2 are best in series games for their respective franchises. And there is certainly nothing wrong with Hearthstone either.
I don't know who either of you are, but Ouriakas is dead on. You're smoking crack if you think D3/R2 are the pinnacle of their respective franchises. Rome 2 specifically was an overly ambitious game that fell flat on every promise they made pre-release. At release it remains single handedly the buggiest, most unpolished game that CA has released to date. It took 2? years of patching and updates and an apology "expansion" for the game to even become remotely polished - after two years worth of blatant money grabbing DLC - a final product they immediately turned around with minor changes and rereleased as the next game in the franchise - Attila. You have R2 mods that change more than the R2 -> Attila progression for Christ's sake.

Edit - Fun Fact
During the initial release when the game was unbearably slow (5-45minute AI turns cycles) and buggy for the first 45? days, I managed to read entire ASoIF chapters between turns and attribute R2 to my ability to find time to read the entire series in the span of a single campaign. Let that sink in.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I don't know what Denaut is smoking by mentioning R2 as CA's "best" in-series title. I'm a huge Total War fanboy, but R2 was a goddamned mess on release, easily their worst. Which is saying something, because they've been steadily declining since Empire shipped. R2 was essentially unplayable on release it was so bad. They eventually right the ship (mostly), but it usually takes a year+, an expansion, etc.


FPS noob
so i'm ~60% in, think i've got maybe 4-5 hours left of story in the game. and a million collectibles.

its not a good game. Story is just awful all around, its like every Ubi game ever with every NPC basically being "hey thanks for noticing me, now go build me a fucking house and fetch me 20 bear asses and then do my dry cleaning for me". Your character is mostly mute and just does whatever the next random person he meets tells him to. Its not an awful game and there are some genuine good bits like chilling with your pet or watching the random events unfold in the world, but man every time those "ubi" touches come through from far cry / watch dogs / ass creed you just sigh out loud and say "fine... lemme go conquer that tower and expose the 15 hot spots that all have some dumb ass thing to do". At least there isn't any micro transaction shit built into the game (yet?)

Maybe I'm just burned out on the type - after Rise of the Tomb Raider (pretty good), Assassins Creed Syndicate (slightly better than average), Just Cause 3 (bad), and Mad Max (average) this kind of game is just so repetitive and unoriginal. I'm playing Witcher 3 too and I really get why now everyone put it up for GOTY, while it has all the same mechanical fetch/escort/kill/fedex quests they all feel "better", you have the illusion of player agency by at least having choices and even things like "fuck this shit and fuck your quest!", and a lot more variety in what you can do.

Plus Witcher 3 has "heart". Geralt can be an asshole, characters have personalities that are good and bad, and everything sort of makes sense. A lot of stuff in Primal feels designed by committee, like all the interesting edges got shined off so as not to offend anyone. I've noticed this more and more with Ubi games, like Syndicate had this problem too.

The combat in Primal is also really bad sadly. I don't care about difficulty, but there really is no combat system - its just spam attack or use pathing to kill shit, there is no counter attack or parry or tactics.

I'm sure it'll sell well but yeah I wouldn't recommend it at all unless you have finished pretty much every good game from last year which is impossible I would think


so i'm ~60% in, think i've got maybe 4-5 hours left of story in the game. and a million collectibles.

its not a good game. Story is just awful all around, its like every Ubi game ever with every NPC basically being "hey thanks for noticing me, now go build me a fucking house and fetch me 20 bear asses and then do my dry cleaning for me". Your character is mostly mute and just does whatever the next random person he meets tells him to. Its not an awful game and there are some genuine good bits like chilling with your pet or watching the random events unfold in the world, but man every time those "ubi" touches come through from far cry / watch dogs / ass creed you just sigh out loud and say "fine... lemme go conquer that tower and expose the 15 hot spots that all have some dumb ass thing to do". At least there isn't any micro transaction shit built into the game (yet?)

Maybe I'm just burned out on the type - after Rise of the Tomb Raider (pretty good), Assassins Creed Syndicate (slightly better than average), Just Cause 3 (bad), and Mad Max (average) this kind of game is just so repetitive and unoriginal. I'm playing Witcher 3 too and I really get why now everyone put it up for GOTY, while it has all the same mechanical fetch/escort/kill/fedex quests they all feel "better", you have the illusion of player agency by at least having choices and even things like "fuck this shit and fuck your quest!", and a lot more variety in what you can do.

Plus Witcher 3 has "heart". Geralt can be an asshole, characters have personalities that are good and bad, and everything sort of makes sense. A lot of stuff in Primal feels designed by committee, like all the interesting edges got shined off so as not to offend anyone. I've noticed this more and more with Ubi games, like Syndicate had this problem too.

The combat in Primal is also really bad sadly. I don't care about difficulty, but there really is no combat system - its just spam attack or use pathing to kill shit, there is no counter attack or parry or tactics.

I'm sure it'll sell well but yeah I wouldn't recommend it at all unless you have finished pretty much every good game from last year which is impossible I would think
Did you play or finish FC4? Also I dunno I find this to be better than Mad Max for sure. I will agree with you on the collectibles. The cave systems are pretty bad.


FPS noob
yeah I plat'd FC4 and enjoyed it, the setting was interesting, the bad guy was funny (not enough in the game), and I liked having to choose between the two idiots to follow. I haven't yet played FC3 though so thats probably why I liked FC4, everyone who I know who played FC3 didn't like FC4 because it was basically a reskin of the game. Maybe its like that here, people who played FC3 will like Primal because its been long enough, people who played FC4 will not like Primal


Trump's Staff
Yeah, I don't know what Denaut is smoking by mentioning R2 as CA's "best" in-series title. I'm a huge Total War fanboy, but R2 was a goddamned mess on release, easily their worst. Which is saying something, because they've been steadily declining since Empire shipped. R2 was essentially unplayable on release it was so bad. They eventually right the ship (mostly), but it usually takes a year+, an expansion, etc.
As far as "brokenness" goes people have extremely rosy memories of the other TW games at launch. R2 was no more or less broken than any game since at least the original Rome. They are and have been enormous messes from the get go due to their complexity. Both Empire & Shogun 2 were smoking craters at launch, in Shogun 2 I won my first campaign because the AI literally couldn't figure out how to attack a castle (which happened in R2 as well). Load & turn times were way longer as well than even launch R2. I had to stop playing Shogun after that first campaign and didn't play again until Fall of the Samurai, which was when I put in my couple hundred hours.

R2 was playable within a couple months and extremely good within 6... which is standard for Total War games. It also had a size and scale that outstripped any other TW and introduced two critical new features to help you manage it (armies and provinces).

I'm not going to argue that R2 wasn't pretty broken at launch, because it was, but it was no more broken than the other ones andis right nowthe best released Total War game theme preference aside.


Trump's Staff
Also, getting back on topic, most PC reviewers seem to consider the game shallow, dull, and repetitive. Sounds like it is a skip to me.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
^^ That pretty much sums up Primal in a nutshell.

With Total War games the best thing to do is never fall for the hype and never buy at launch. Wait for a sale and at minimum, 4-5 patches. Because yeah, they are complete shit in a box at launch - and always have been (After Sega took over)

During Empire didn't one of the lead developers say he was too embarrassed to ship it to his friends but shipped it commercially anyway?


Trump's Staff
^^ That pretty much sums up Primal in a nutshell.
I was hoping the game was good, because I really like new and interesting settings. There was also the chance for new and interesting mechanics. For this reason I've been following the console reviews, which were mostly positive. I waited for the PC reviews mostly to see how well it ran (like shit) before purchasing.

What I got out of it was I think there is a pretty interesting divide between people that primarily review console games and people that primarily review PC games. The PC reviewers by and large seem to understand and value gameplay more than the console gamers. Can't say I am surprised to be honest.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I was hoping the game was good, because I really like new and interesting settings. There was also the chance for new and interesting mechanics. For this reason I've been following the console reviews, which were mostly positive. I waited for the PC reviews mostly to see how well it ran (like shit) before purchasing.

What I got out of it was I think there is a pretty interesting divide between people that primarily review console games and people that primarily review PC games. The PC reviewers by and large seem to understand and value gameplay more than the console gamers. Can't say I am surprised to be honest.
I bought it because the setting really appealed to me. I dig the prehistoric theme, starting off from a hut and growing it, expanding your weapons throughout the world, conquering new territory and building your little population up. I hoped because my experience with Far Cry games was minimal I wouldn't find this too repetitive, but after Ive upgraded all the shacks at base, and did a few (many) of the bonfire or enemy territory unlocks, the game feels really quite tedious already. I have little interest in the story (or really even know what it is about? Go kill some other tribe people that arent yours, I guess) and Im finding it harder to continue. Luckily the game only cost me about 28USD, I think if I had paid full price id be quite unhappy.

A lot of it feels quite half-assed. The pet system is cool, feeding it, being able to ride it, but the actual pets you can obtain seem very limited to what SHOULD be obtainable in a prehistoric world. Where the hell are my flying pterodactyls? And once you get the pets thats it, no levels/upgrades for them, no sort of reward for adventuring with the same pet and bonding with it. Just heres your stupid pet, its going to stay the same for the entire game, get used it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Jesus Christ it would be awesome if everyone just boycotted Ubisoft for a year.

Someone on SA posted an "Easter Egg". Under water they found sunken boats used in Far Cry 4 they forgot to take out of the game before reusing the map
Jesus Christ what a joke.



Silver Squire
so i'm ~60% in, think i've got maybe 4-5 hours left of story in the game. and a million collectibles.

its not a good game. Story is just awful all around, its like every Ubi game ever with every NPC basically being "hey thanks for noticing me, now go build me a fucking house and fetch me 20 bear asses and then do my dry cleaning for me". Your character is mostly mute and just does whatever the next random person he meets tells him to. Its not an awful game and there are some genuine good bits like chilling with your pet or watching the random events unfold in the world, but man every time those "ubi" touches come through from far cry / watch dogs / ass creed you just sigh out loud and say "fine... lemme go conquer that tower and expose the 15 hot spots that all have some dumb ass thing to do". At least there isn't any micro transaction shit built into the game (yet?)

Maybe I'm just burned out on the type - after Rise of the Tomb Raider (pretty good), Assassins Creed Syndicate (slightly better than average), Just Cause 3 (bad), and Mad Max (average) this kind of game is just so repetitive and unoriginal. I'm playing Witcher 3 too and I really get why now everyone put it up for GOTY, while it has all the same mechanical fetch/escort/kill/fedex quests they all feel "better", you have the illusion of player agency by at least having choices and even things like "fuck this shit and fuck your quest!", and a lot more variety in what you can do.
I agree, although Tomb raider was an excellent game. Creed, I haven't' been a fan of since black flag. I couldn't get through syndicate.

Anyway, I wanted to like this game. I kind of enjoyed Far Cry 4. Villain was good and combat was good. The fluff was pretty shitty though and the whole kill shit to upgrade your gear is tiresome and doesn't match the setting. You have backpacks, guns and everything everywhere and you have to harvest intestines or skin to make upgrades. Drove me nuts.

Primal at least made sense with that sort of stuff. The combat was super repetitive and the story just about non existent. Some very funny moments though, Piss Man comes to mind. Just not enough in this game to keep me playing. I got around 40% done and can't trudge through it anymore. Sending it back to gamefly.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm tempted to get the Apex edition for $16.50 but I have a really hard time believing I'd ever be able to get through this game after playing Horizon.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah pretty much after horizon any Ubisoft open world game will be shit from here on out. (They already were anyway after black flag and FC3) Mostly because Ubisoft has no story direction, lost their character development after black flag and far cry 3, and copy paste random meaningless shit all over the map and call it gameplay. horizon shows what these games could be if done right. And not continually blasted off as low effort reskins.


<Silver Donator>
This game is decent....I guess. Probably some of the most visually appealing environments Ive seen besides horizons.

Story is pretty meh. Characters are Meh so far, except the cannibals . I just turned it off after playing a mammoth vs rhino mission. Now THAT was lame as fuck
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This was the first far cry I played since the first one, and I got about a third of the way through.

Spirit quests were stupid as fuck, and I found myself rushing through them just to get back to killing shit. Murdering a whole village of cannibals was fun, but having to pick up four dozen blue flowers and three dozen white rocks got old quick.

By the time I got around to building up the village, I got a second wind because I thought there would be some sort of management element. Nope. Just fetch quests.


<Silver Donator>
I only bought it because of the village building.

There's doesn't actually seem to be any "building", just story progression
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