Feds Raid Jared Fogle Subway Spokesman's house For Kiddy Porn


A nice asshole.
I thought federal prison protection was essentially solitaire, 15 years of alone time. Talk about fucking up.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I thought federal prison protection was essentially solitaire, 15 years of alone time. Talk about fucking up.
It is, though they have whole wings in some prisons now dedicated to non violent sex offenders. I imagine he'll end up in one of those if possible.


what Suineg set it to
What if one of them got on the sex offender list by being an inmate raper though?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
There are lots of things fucked up about our legal system, but I'm not sure the Fed's propensity for building up a huge mound of evidence to get a high conviction rate is even remotely one of the important problems. If anything, the opposite tendency is the bigger problem from non-fed sources.
You cant be serious...

District to pay 16.65 million to wrongly imprisoned man, attorneys say - The Washington Post

The award completes for now Gates's ill-fated encounter with law enforcement in the brutal June 1981 killing: framed by police after a case of mistaken identity,convicted on flawed FBI forensic evidence, and exonerated and freed through DNA testing in 2009.
The overwhelming conviction rate probably has to do with two things;

1) The absolute overpowering weight of the federal government and it's resources. Who is but one man and a lawyer against the resources of the fbi, dea, atf, and every other alphabet agency?

2) The fact it is extremely easy for someone of "authority" in a courtroom setting to confuse jurors and completely misrepresent the facts at hand. Niel Degrasse Tyson talks about this and his experience with jury duty;

Or read up on this case;

United States v. Olofson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guy sent to 4 years of prison because his gun broke. .gov shitstains said he purposely made an illegal machine gun because he had M-16 parts. M-16 parts are perfectly legal aside from auto sears. Perfectly legal to have a "M-16" trigger or mag release or firing pin in your AR-15.


Molten Core Raider
He will be dead in 2 years. Ask high profile, isolated individuals like Jeffrey Dahmer how that works out. Or Aaron Hernandez who's already killed his cellmate and been stabbed. He's big and tough. Jared?


Even if he is sentenced to just five years, Levine said Fogle's fame will make those years difficult. "Everybody is gonna know that Jared the chomo is here and he's gonna get his footlong every day," Levine explained in raw prison parlance.

The prison consultant expects that Fogle will be sent to one of three low-security federal correctional institutions that offer counseling to sex offenders: in Seagoville, Texas, Englewood, Colorado, or Elkton, Ohio. But Levine warned that the Subway spokesman is unlikely to find much protection from prison guards. "The cops aren't everywhere," he explained.

Worse, Levine said that prison authorities have even been known to provoke attacks on sex offenders. "When I was in custody, it was the staff that would tell the other inmates who the child molester inmates were because the staff didn't like them either," he said. "The staff would want to beat them up, but they can't beat them up. They'd tell the inmates, so the inmates could beat them up. It's a crazy thing."


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
The only people I've ever known who went to prison told me that no one really gives a shit about child molesters. It's just something we like to tell ourselves. One of those people was actually in prison for videoing under aged girls in the shower and fucking his step daughter. Though to be fair he wasn't convicted of fucking her while she was under-aged, but being caught doing it by his wife is what sparked off all the shit that got him sent to prison. And she was one of the ones he had videos of.


Molten Core Raider
The only people I've ever known who went to prison told me that no one really gives a shit about child molesters. It's just something we like to tell ourselves. One of those people was actually in prison for videoing under aged girls in the shower and fucking his step daughter. Though to be fair he wasn't convicted of fucking her while she was under-aged, but being caught doing it by his wife is what sparked off all the shit that got him sent to prison. And she was one of the ones he had videos of.
May I just say from all of us here at Rerolled. Hell all the world....Thank goodness for you, Hoss. Without you we'd be led astray into thinking the past twenty-five centuries that Prison is an awful place where the most primitive things occur and primal, tribal instincts take over. Your single encounter with a felon has proved to me that much like Jon Snow, I know nothing.


And I'd mention Father Geoghan, but now I'm just letting you troll me.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Depends entirely on the prison, I'd wager.

I'm sure some are better/worse than others for whatever situation you're in for.


Potato del Grande
ITT: Lots of people whose closest interaction with jail/prison is television shows, explaining what it's like to a bunch of other people in the same situation.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've watched a fair amount of the show, Lockup (CNBC, or MSNBC, don't remember which network) and people are indeed targeted in prison for being sex crime offenders. Harassed, beaten, or killed; it all happens, all over the country. Prisoners have some pretty retarded ideals and morals - the prison code. If Jared isn't in administrative segregation from day one, he'll be fucked up.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
If he still has millions, and a brain, he will spend his money on protection.

If old man Durst can do it...



Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I've watched a fair amount of the show, Lockup (CNBC, or MSNBC, don't remember which network) and people are indeed targeted in prison for being sex crime offenders. Harassed, beaten, or killed; it all happens, all over the country. Prisoners have some pretty retarded ideals and morals - the prison code. If Jared isn't in administrative segregation from day one, he'll be fucked up.
I don't think I've seen lockup, so I can't comment on that. People are probably targeted all over for any and every reason in prison. You wanna whoop someone, you come up with whatever reason you like. It happens, it's just not as consistent as we like to pretend. Not everybody in prison is a booty warrior either (was that from lockup?)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't think I've seen lockup, so I can't comment on that. People are probably targeted all over for any and every reason in prison. You wanna whoop someone, you come up with whatever reason you like. It happens, it's just not as consistent as we like to pretend. Not everybody in prison is a booty warrior either (was that from lockup?)
No, the ass raping actually isn't a common thing. More like a wive's tale to scare people about not being in prison (as if going to prison isn't shitty enough). But, in all truth, it is a very widespread and common thing to target sex offenders. A few years ago in the Irvine county jail - not even prison - an inmate was beaten to death for being a sex offender. Several guards were fired and got in deep shit for helping it happen. And, Irvine is about as white-privilege Richy Rich as you can get.