Like 2 years ago my neighbor's house burned down. As cool as it would've been to watch, he had lots of ammunition and propane tanks stored in it. That stuff eventually started exploding. Yeah, fuck being near a fire. You don't know what's in that fire that might end up killing you because you thought it'd be fun to watch.I wouldn't stand and watch it, but that's because I got burned (hah!) by doing so once before. Some dudes 2 story garage was going up structure fire style and the whole neighborhood was watching. Then, and I didn't know this could happen, his apparently massive fucking collection of half-empty paint cans starting exploding out of the roof of the thing and raining burning blobs of molten slag down across like a 2 block area. Ruined a ton of roofs/siding and caught some trees on fire etc. I've got a scar on my back from a bit of can landing on me and fusing with my skin. I like to tell bitches it's a bullet wound.
So yea, no more gawking for me.
tl;dr cool story bro
This sums up my thoughts (and probable actions, if I had been there) as well.I know fertilizer can be explosive, but I would have never guessed that a fertiziler plant had that potential to explode. I just assumed that you could make a bomb by processing fertiziler. So yeah, I bear no judgement on a guy who stopped what looks like a mile away from a factory that's on fire.
Yeah, from that video it sure looks to be far away enough. And in reality it was, no one really got hurt other than a bit of hearing loss, right?This sums up my thoughts (and probable actions, if I had been there) as well.
I think most educated people understand that fertilizer can exlode, but I, personally, had no clue that the explosion could be THAT powerful.
we could discuss the Iraq bombings or the Iran earthquake?We need one more explosion for the 'Explosion Thread Trifecta'.
Sorry, it's 96 years too late, but this one was a gooder: need one more explosion for the 'Explosion Thread Trifecta'.