Thanks do appreciate it. Let's go ahead and check the attitude buddy boy, if I was worried about $100 I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be spending it in the first place. Let alone I've never heard of buying accounts safely so I wouldn't randomly expect someone to have one and spent the 100 before he posted it. So loosen the elastic just a wee bit!
I'll run with what I got until you guys say a good banner is up and will decide then to drop a few hundred.
If anyone has a free friend slot feel free to pass on account. No harm in fusing with 4 stars right vs waiting to fuse until they are there last rarity (assuming trust doesn't reset does it?) just found a nice FAQ page on Reddit I'll read in the morning.
I'll run with what I got until you guys say a good banner is up and will decide then to drop a few hundred.
If anyone has a free friend slot feel free to pass on account. No harm in fusing with 4 stars right vs waiting to fuse until they are there last rarity (assuming trust doesn't reset does it?) just found a nice FAQ page on Reddit I'll read in the morning.