So my team right now is VD, Reberta, A2, Zargabaarth, and Vanille.
Just pulled an Olive. Wondering if I should replace Reberta with Olive or 9S . Or just six star Reberta or wait for something else
The more I prepare for the mid level trials the more I realize there is no real purpose to a set team.
For content you can use the same team for, you can probably use just about anyone. And for content that is a real challenge, you need to customize your team for that one fight.
So I would level units that are the best at what they do and deemphsize units that are second or third tier.
So pick your best chainer, finisher, tank, breaker, buffer, damage mitigator, healer, and imperil user and mana battery and level those.
Versatile units fill multiple rolls like DV, 9s, zarg. A2, is a great unit, but very one dimensional.
The only other thing to look out for are units with really useful limit breaks that benefit from leveling and definitely level those first before awakening those units to the next rarity.
9s is a good example of this.