Oops, lol, already done. But my Luneth is now level 71? Was level 4. So that's good, right?Don't lapis refill for it, especially not with a 17 max pool. Just run it as much as you can naturally until it closes (2am CST). It returns every 3 weeks or so, and you can farm it a lot better later after you've leveled some. Use those cactuars you get by fusing them to your main team units. Each one gives a massive experience boost, though it can be really expensive on your gil supply very early on. After like a week of playing though, you have infinite gil, so it's a short term problem.
I got that a few times, but I'd just try again and it'd work fine.SO using Nox
aconnection issue
says i need to move to an area with a better connection, havent even started it yet
Grats! I'm working on two excaliburs myself, but I've been doing missions and stuff instead of grinding TM recently. Honestly, I'm not in any big rush to finish excalibur because once I do... I don't have any relevant units to equip it to, sigh. I guess Agrias can hit slightly harder when she fullbreaks or something...
Strongly considering going mini-whale chasing Gilgamesh soon, especially if there's a good lapis sale for black friday
The "karma shop" will be open until NEXT friday or so, but I think Elza's banner ends (and she goes bye bye) this friday. So amass as much karma as you can quickly, and if you happen to pull her this week buy her ability. Otherwise use the karma to buy 6* mats.Should i buy Elzas karma item if i don't have her but on the chance i pull her layer via lapis?
I don't actually have anyone to equip it either...until Friday!!!
I wonder if you had a full set of the double atk/mag materia (Karl and Maxwell TMs) would that make cyclone strike outperform gale barrage, or would the fact that you're boosting atk at the same time keep gale barrage ahead? 2 Karl +1 maxwell (leaving room for DW of course) along with hero rings would be +90% atk/mag, which seems pretty damn juicy for a hybrid attack.
The weapons, screamroot if you need to make more keys, the cheap 6* mats (maybe skip Divine Crystals since you only ever need 5 of those per awaken). I bought the hp/def/spr materia, and I have to decide between the 15% hp or the pair of hp/atk/mag ones before it ends. I think in ~6 months or so I'll be regretting it if I don't have the hp/mag ones to give to my army of Shantotti. Might have to just farm a bit of extra karma and get all three.edit: beyond the metal gigantuars, the star quartz, and the summon tickets, is anything else a "must buy"?
For easier content... you don't need it but when even unequip it. It's easy content.With the addition of Maxwell to my farming team (another +100%), I'm spending the next 3 days farming karma again as well. I plan to buy the demonic life materia, the tanking dualstat materia, the dps dualstat materia, and the 15% hp materia, in that order. I very likely won't finish off the whole list without a bunch of lucky metal spawns, but that's the goal.
Lot of people say demonic life materia is a waste because it doesn't stack with buffs like cheer, but after the maxwell trial, I want them. Once the buff procs (when you drop under 50% health) it's permanent the rest of the encounter (infinite duration!). During maxwell, I almost never had the luxury of spare time to re-buff things like embolden, so a perma +40% to all stats materia is good. Situational of course, you don't use it on easier content. Good in arena too.
Yes. There are a few. Buy the screamroots and fine alcrysts and make some keys. I think 5 gets you everything you want, but I don't have a clear number yet.Are there any must have's from the locked chests? I'm debating on farming more karma to buy mats and things.