Some decent bundles for xmas at least. Everyone should buy the daily festive gift box; 300 lapis for 2 tickets, a key, and some magi/megacites. If you feel like spending cash, $47.99 for 120 nrg, 10k lapis, 10 tickets, 20 sacred crystals, 10 holy crystals, 30 star quartz, and 15 keys is a great deal. Amazon has FFBE listed as a '30% coins back' game currently, but the downside is that it's over $50 after tax, so you can't just pay $43 for 5000 coins and have enough for the initial purchase. You should get 1440 coins back though if you do buy it (I'm assuming they don't give credit back on the sales tax).
Edit: Did some pulling for Noctis since there's no way I'm even doing the daily 250 over xmas, with strange results. Chizuru was the only event unit I pulled, along with 2 Gaffgarions and a WoL which were 4*'s I failed miserably at pulling during their own events. Also got another Exdeath, which makes four total. Rest was mostly crap, 4* Golbez, Ignus, Terra #4, and Firion #6, along with a couple Fangs and a "LOL you're not going to pull during xmas? Here's an early Medius anyway!" troll. Sucks not getting Noctis, but the WoL alone made it worth it.
Seems that it's true that 3* have been normalized to the same rarity. I haven't seen a single Shadow, Bedile, Lani, etc. in a long time, and the only shit common I've gotten has been a couple Russells. Which I don't even mind much because I want a Bladeblitz materia.