Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
The event does feel like it's not the best source of xp. What I do like about it though is that I can go through 30 energy farming esper xp in about 2 minutes for a decent chunk of magicite. It's nice for clearing the energy bar in a hurry. Exploration zones are better for the evening when you can sit down and farm them for an hour or more.

I want to hit siren to rank 30, but I don't want to "waste" off-color magicite on her since it will be needed later to level other espers. Hopefully by the events end I'll have found enough blue.


Are they keeping 5 min per energy? It occurred to me earlier this week that I was estimating time based on 3 min. Guess I'm just use to other games. I suppose its not a big deal now but once Dungeons start getting to higher costs it's really kills the enjoyment of playing. In comparison, before P&D went to 3 mins it just felt like I would get 2 descended runs then wait the rest of the day to play again which is what lead me to picking up other stuff. I just hate waiting 1 hour and 15 to do a 2 min vortex. It will probably work itself out after release with level appropriate exploration dungeons but right now I'm well over what we have out and they aren't worth the time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When can I download this without hacking my ipad so it thinks I'm in rapeland?


Trakanon Raider
After like 20+ orbs spent trying various strats, I've finally beaten Europa and finished rank S-5 colloseum. What a pain in the ass fight, just wow. Some misc tips from my many attempts. All of Europa's special attacks are lightning elemental, and Siren gives -50% lightning weakness, which is basically a death sentence if that unit is targetted by wave cannon, so unequip Siren before the fight. The item "Leather Shield" has a built-in +20% lightning resist, put this on as many units as possible that can wear shields. If you have a unit with built-in "Draw Attacks" trait, it's a good idea to just make them a tank bot by guarding them every round to soak up hits.

Status effects do work on the boss, but I found that using pure status skills (like just casting "Silence" or "Blind") isn't worth it because the boss has heavy status resistance, and a failed status will just waste that units turn for nothing. On the other hand, using attacks that have a built-in status are great, such as Blade Bash or Silence Blade. Speaking of Silence Blade, if you have a magic key from crafting, or you bought one with lapis, you can get the recipe to craft this skill from Latius Woods. It's a really great skill to stick on Rain and Lasswell and let them spam it for most of the fight.

I strongly recommend at least two aoe healers for this encounter. If your healers are red mage types with both heals and nukes, you may want to pass on the nuking to preserve MP for only healing. The boss has a ton of hp and is poison immune, so it's going to be a long drawn out encounter. My final tip is be ready to try the boss multiple times before winning. Sometimes RNG will just fuck you when he decides to wave cannon, plasma bolt, and critical attack the same unit in the same round, which will kill even a tanky 5* unit.

If you have Vaan for full break, or a unit that can cast Bar-Thundara for AoE lightning resist, you will have an easier time than I did!


Trakanon Raider
When can I download this without hacking my ipad so it thinks I'm in rapeland?
I'm not too familiar with IOS, but it can be downloaded legit from the swedish app store (it's still the "english" global version). Can't help you with instructions on how to go about doing that though!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If you have Vaan for full break, or a unit that can cast Bar-Thundara for AoE lightning resist, you will have an easier time than I did!
Is it possible to get a lightning megacryst now... Chamber of Creation ADV I guess? I've got three characters with L3+ Green magic.


Trakanon Raider
Is it possible to get a lightning megacryst now... Chamber of Creation ADV I guess? I've got three characters with L3+ Green magic.
I don't think we have access to megacrysts yet. At least that's what I've read on reddit. I know Kuja learns bar-thundara naturally, and the friend point green mage Mizell also learns it. Not sure who else, if anyone, has it in their natural spell list. I don't know how viable it would be to bring a 3 star unit to the fight though, considering the two 4 star units I had on the team were getting wrecked kinda hard. Units with magic break would be something else that should help mitigate his nukes.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ah, that sucks. Probably doesn't matter though, I doubt I have the healing to survive it even with barthundara. I only have 4* Edgar and 5* Firion for good units with 5* Rain and Lasswell, and my healer is just a shitty 3* Anastasis until we get Fina.

Don't really need the Remedy recipe so I think I'll just wait until after release to continue on, and just farm colo steals until then. S-4 seems like the last one with an actual useful reward anyway.


Trakanon Raider
After you beat beginner rank S-5 it unlocks intermediate rank and continues going with all new rewards. What I REALLY want is the intermediate D-4 reward, which is Ice Rod. We have a serious lack of caster weapons right now, but Ice Rod is a +26 magic rod with innate ice property and gives the wielder Blizzara in their spelllist. My Terra wants that...

Here's a page listing all the ranks of collosseum with the rewards:colosseum - FFBraveExvius


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I didn't realize INT colosseum was available yet. That said, I don't have any rod users and I kind of doubt I can beat Europa anyway.

I'm about to hit 5K lapis and I could pull some units and hope for the best, but I think it's smarter to just coast along and save the 11 tickets for a rate-up event post-release. I've seen too many people post their results to reddit with nothing but 4*-capped junk to show for it. Sucks that we probably aren't getting the 10 tickets for the final registration milestone.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Got thinking about that rod mentioned yesterday... are there any staves currently in the game that don't suck ass? I can't seem to find anything but the plain old "Staff".


Potato del Grande
The pretty sprites have worn off for me and now I'm judging the game just on its mechanics.

Its fine but the gatcha element being the characters is a concern. It's going to live or die based on how good and frequent it's events are and how big the rate ups are.

It's interesting how they are taking the opposite approach to FFRK and so far ignoring the best selling 7/8/10 and going for lesser known or spinoffs for events.

That tells me that crossovers will be rare and are being saved for new features (Lightning was the first 6* right? So I bet we will have Cloud as the first 8* when the game starts to get stale).

That doesn't fill me with confidence honestly.


Trakanon Raider
Patch Wednesday with new islands, new story content, new espers, etc. Should be the games official launch. Get ready!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
And Fina, that's the most important part to me. Being stuck with a 3* healer is really holding me back.

In case anyone else is wondering, you need the following to take her from 2* to 5*:

28 Pearl of Wisdom
26 Aqua Pearl
20 Esper Shard
15 Esper Cryst
11 Heaven's Ash
8 Sacred Crystal
3 Holy Crystal
3 Talmonite of Life

All easy except maybe the Ash, but I believe there's a spot on island two (Murray Forest or something like that) where it can be farmed more efficiently than in Chamber of Awakening INT/ADV.


I have R2 Ifrit open, is it worth the effort to down him before maintenance or would it be way easier to wait? What am I really missing out on?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's another ring of skills to learn and all his best ones (Beast Slayer, Plant Slayer, Raging Fist) are located on that ring, so it's pretty important. I guess it depends on what units you have though. I have Edgar for poison and maxed 5* Firion, but I still doubt I could beat him before getting Fina.


Trakanon Raider
I have R2 Ifrit open, is it worth the effort to down him before maintenance or would it be way easier to wait? What am I really missing out on?
It's worth doing it for the extra skills as Vorph said. He's also the highest source of rank exp available (currently). Do you have any 5* max level Vaan friends? If so, the fight is very easy with full break. The only things special you need to know is when he does Boil, it applies a +magic buff on himself. You have to remove it right away with something that can purge buffs (Lasswell learns fingersnap, that works). Other than that, he does a big AoE hellfire nuke at 20% life. You can use status spells like poison, silence, blind, etc to help as well.

Here's a video of me killing rank 2 ifrit with a Vaan friend. As you can see, full break makes him hit like a wet noodle and shreds his defenses at the same time.


Got a bunch of Vaan friends and sure enough he wasn't much of a problem. Used Exdeath 72, who really didn't do much, Rain and Lasswell 65 who basically just auto attacked, max Maria and Fran who covered heals and bio. Dropped before I filled anyone's LB aside from Maria's.