Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Molten Core Raider
Do minor orbs make anything useful? I need an influx of cash and could sell a ton. Seems like everything worthwhile needs lessers.


Potato del Grande
Make one of each 1* spell, then maybe use them to hone key spells (Cure) since you need A LOT to hone?

For status effect spells just close and reload the app if they fail.


<WoW Guild Officer>
The wiki seems to say Elite Underground Waterway (IV) or Shinra Floor 56-60 are potential locations. I may try out the Underground Waterway here in a second because I need some also. Only started yesterday and am only up to Floor 26-30 of Shinra. About to see if I can get Tifa but party is mostly only level 15s. Biggest struggle right now is Gil. Would love to level a ton of my equipment to 5 but don't have shit for monies.
I managed to get Tifa at like 16 party level. You shouldn't have a problem.

edit: first post updated, if there are other links, just post them and say "put it in there tex".


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yep! Think I'm going to go back to the main story though and finish up a few things. Am only 1 Lesser Power Orb short to have Dark Attack finished then I'll have Poison, Blind, Thundara ready to go, just won't have Thunder Strike. Then may go back and see how far in to Shinra a level 20 or so team will get me. Didn't realize that you get materials specifically for leveling weapons and armor, which made getting some of my stuff up to level much easier.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Yep! Think I'm going to go back to the main story though and finish up a few things. Am only 1 Lesser Power Orb short to have Dark Attack finished then I'll have Poison, Blind, Thundara ready to go, just won't have Thunder Strike. Then may go back and see how far in to Shinra a level 20 or so team will get me. Didn't realize that you get materials specifically for leveling weapons and armor, which made getting some of my stuff up to level much easier.
I'm short on gold right now, as I think I maxed out most of my weapons. I'm going to spam run normal a bit more for small weapon-upgrades so I have a few waiting for decent weapon drops.

Any weapons I shouldn't sell? 3* and above are staying for sure, with a few 2* that are equipped.


Molten Core Raider
Few notes of interest I've picked up so far
1) Do not be afraid to close your app and restart a fight if something bad happens that you think you can avoid (your healer getting 1 shot etc). When you restart the game it will ask if you want to continue, hit continue and it will restart the battle you were on (not the area as a whole, the specific fight). Sounds cheap but to be honest when they limit the time you can even play the game with stam requirements then I don't feel so bad.

2) Going off item 1, even though people put out suggestions on when you should do stuff, using #1 and research you can beat things earlier then most people think (gear matters of course, much more then level). I've got a pretty fair amount of the elites done already (I'm up to the siren in the shipyard?) having done 12 total so far. Siren is the first one I didn't finish on my first try, had to retreat mainly because I couldn't handle the damage coming out so I'm going to get some more levels plus I didn't have fire strike/fire II so not going to waste my time since I have a lot to farm otherwise.

3) Fuck RNG, while they made it sound like masume rates were up I swear to god I have bad luck. I got not 1 but THREE pairs of gloves. Had a musume on a free pull but haven't got any since with sticking abit of cash in it. Sucks because masume does nasty damage and fits my main party better but oh well.

4) Off of item 3, it costs ALOT to combine relic items at tier 5. 5 to 6 combo is 100k with no stat gains (just increase lvl limt), next combine is 500k (I haven't had the cash to do so, this Sat i'll farm like a machine and get enough).

5) When upgrading items, if you use another item of the specific item type you gain the same level of upgrade that you get from Monday event items (scarlites?). No matter which item you use it costs the same whether its a lvl 1 or lvl 4 item, its all based off the item level of the base item you are upgrading. Pay attention to this and you can save yourself a lot of cash by upgrading with unneeded items properly.

6) Dark Attack; if you just started etc, MAKE THIS A PRIORITY. I was dumb and got a head of myself and did a lot of fights without. Once I finally got it and they start missing you a lot its "oh....ya that is amazing"; much more important then damage output skills for the hard fights that it works on. Also get Thundara or as 2nd priority as its the most common weakness of any of the elements with existing content.

Ok nothing great but that's what I'd pass on to the fresh starters; so on to my comp. Still not sure what I like.

My main group is
Turbo (tyro)

I use Turbo as my healer & support, Rydia for weakness elements, Cloud for spellsword, and Seph/Tifa for raw damage. I love turbo as the healer because he can do some support and I can put him back row with heavy armor on top so he has much more surviviability. Tifa since I have gloves and somersault does great damage.

I could drop Tifa and run Whitemage and have Turbo w/ upgraded gloves as a support front liner but I definitely lose some damage vs Tifa (in general due to stats and on loss of her soul attack). Also Whitemage has much lower HP. Trade off heal is the ONLY way to get caught back up outside of a lucky end of battle potion drop.

So anyone that is doing the final 20% of the elites or maybe have played JP do you tend to use WHM in party or run with Tyro as healer? Obviously you will fine tune vs the realm you are in but at this point I'm early on enough my levels are low on my main team let alone my back ups so for now I need to focus abit more on the main team to make a push to 50 (WHM is 25 tyro is 33 atm I think)


Mr. Poopybutthole
5) When upgrading items, if you use another item of the specific item type you gain the same level of upgrade that you get from Monday event items (scarlites?). No matter which item you use it costs the same whether its a lvl 1 or lvl 4 item, its all based off the item level of the base item you are upgrading. Pay attention to this and you can save yourself a lot of cash by upgrading with unneeded items properly.
Wait, so you're saying that if I'm upgrading a sword, and I use a 2* sword, it's the same as a Small Scarletite (or a 1* is a Tiny Scarletite)? That's really, really good to know.

Also to add to your #1, you can farm bosses way easier by doing this. Thebestway is clear to the boss and turn your phone to airplane mode. If the fight ends and you don't get the chest, force close the app, turn airplane mode back off, and restart the game. It'll continue you at the boss fight, where you can flee (force closing the app doesn't reset the loot table). Then you can run the boss level again without having to clear all the levels before the boss one (saves a ton of stamina). If the chest does drop, just turn airplane mode off and the game will reconnect and you get your item.

I don't feel bad about this one, as last night I still had to run the Mythril Rod boss about a dozen times to get it to drop (48 stamina?). If I'd had to clear all the trash levels first, you're talking about nearly 200 stamina.

I think I'll go and try to get the Light Rod tonight since you said it wasn't too bad. I'm not sure what lvl and gear you are, but I'm now at 27 and with a good deal of 3* stuff.


Okay wow. Feel kind of retarded for farming Dark Strike before doing Rufus. Straight fucking wrecked him without blind landing. 24 Cloud - T Strike, 23 Wakka - Boost+Salve, 23 Tyro Cura+Cure(2), 23 Tifa, 20 Tidus - Salve+Dark Strike. Only attacked with Tifa and Cloud. Rest were nothing but buff/heal bitches and spread the damage out. Still had 3/4 Salves, 4/6 Cure, and 3/4 Cura left.


Molten Core Raider
So noob question...any one know how to look at your character's specific stats when RS bonus is applied? Anytime I pick the area it puts them "in battle" and when I go to party to hold down to look at stats it says they are in battle so I can never gauge the stat increase from RS bonus. As I get more gear on line this weekend when I can farm some gil I'd like to be able to make smart decisions on if I should bring/use RS gear vs existing party ( I know its a big bonus but still would like to see stats)


Molten Core Raider
Okay wow. Feel kind of retarded for farming Dark Strike before doing Rufus. Straight fucking wrecked him without blind landing. 24 Cloud - T Strike, 23 Wakka - Boost+Salve, 23 Tyro Cura+Cure(2), 23 Tifa, 20 Tidus - Salve+Dark Strike. Only attacked with Tifa and Cloud. Rest were nothing but buff/heal bitches and spread the damage out. Still had 3/4 Salves, 4/6 Cure, and 3/4 Cura left.
Lol. This was my Rufus win.


Molten Core Raider
Ugh that formation! I always have to alternate my front and back row people like ff4. A party just doesnt look right without it.


Silver Squire
A few FFVII accessories as rewards of the new event. That should help a few people to finish the Shinra tower in time.


Molten Core Raider
That win was earlier today. After leveling Sephiroth and a few minor changes I picked up the protect ring and didn't lose anyone to Rufus. I've been trying to play without spoilers so I was still Air Defense heavy on the final floor. Had half expected aerial enemies just before him.


That win was earlier today. After leveling Sephiroth and a few minor changes I picked up the protect ring and didn't lose anyone to Rufus. I've been trying to play without spoilers so I was still Air Defense heavy on the final floor. Had half expected aerial enemies just before him.
Yeah I was about to go in with Rydia before I asked myself what the fuck I was doing and threw Tidus in. I got the ring first go round luckily by perfecting the lead in stages. No one died but I only hit expert on Rufus due to damage/turns.


Molten Core Raider
New event cleared getting Cecil; never played them since I am primarily trying to get my main team high enough to handle abit more of the hardest elites, i'll level them Sunday.

Its cake, way easier then seph's event. Accidently auto attacked a few of the bosses not paying attention. I'm curious about Pal Cecil, I think I read the ultimate is forced attacking? If its 100% hit rate that sounds like a staple for high end future content to help control damage direction which is always critical when they put those hard hitting abilities in. Not sure who I'd kick out....


Trakanon Raider
New event cleared getting Cecil; never played them since I am primarily trying to get my main team high enough to handle abit more of the hardest elites, i'll level them Sunday.

Its cake, way easier then seph's event. Accidently auto attacked a few of the bosses not paying attention. I'm curious about Pal Cecil, I think I read the ultimate is forced attacking? If its 100% hit rate that sounds like a staple for high end future content to help control damage direction which is always critical when they put those hard hitting abilities in. Not sure who I'd kick out....
I would imagine the pally Cecil could use white magic, so maybe the Record Keeper? he seems the most replaceable to me, just cause he is the best guy to cast cura.


I can confirm the game is very cpu intensive and if your phone isn't pretty beefy it runs pretty shitty.

Loaded this game up on my PC to stream it and the game runs smooth as butter. Currently on Mount Ordeals 8th station and hoping to get paladin Cecil but we'll have to see, im held back by stamina and have been using my mythril to plow through the event.

Can watch atTwitchbut i warn you...stamina starved :p

Cloud lvl 20
Kain lvl 20
Dark Cecil lvl 14
Rydia lvl 20
White Mage lvl 18


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
What is the Blind chance on Dark Attack? Was trying the Elite Mist Dragon for Light Rod last night using the reset thing and out of probably 40 tries not once was he blinded. Was reading posts about how he is blind-able, but if it happened I never saw it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hey Rhuma, I'm curious whether the Cecil event drops a ton of Lesser Fire Orbs, similar to how the Shinra one was with Lightning? I'm currently 2 fire orbs short of making Fira, and it'd be a lot easier to just get them there as opposed to farming (although I still may do Abandoned Mineshaft farming for Mythril Armor).

Are you planning on buying Mythril? From what I've seen, it's basically incredibly rare and I don't know that I'd use it for stamina. But if you're buying it then it's not such a problem.

I'm actually thinking about dumping a good bit of Mythril into inventory expansion today. In every other mobile game I've played it's one of those things that hurts to click the button to do it, but I've never regretted having the extra space. Since I'm running so low on gil (17k at the moment), it'd be nice to just farm the armor daily tomorrow and not worry about it until the gil daily.

Edit: Jesus, I super overprepared for Hundred Gunner. Fucking owned it. Should be able to breeze through the last two stages of Shinra today.

Also didn't realize that the gil dungeon pops up every Wednesday as well. That may derail my plans. Need to run the orb dailies for Mythril, but I may just say fuck it and farm gil the rest of the day and put off Shinra until Friday or something.


Molten Core Raider
Make sure you do as much of Ordeals as possible before Shinra if you're still lower levels. Tons and tons of ff7 drops on ordeals for synergy.