Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Molten Core Raider
If you don't need the orbs for something else it's definitely worth it. It's just that in retrospect I don't load it all that often since I'd rather have 4[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */than 1 AE (non elemental) that requires Rydia to go first in order to use effectively. And only once.

Ultimately its just a "clear one wave" ability if Rydia goes first.


Potato del Grande
Goddammit, every post is about Rydia destroying things


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, and I wonder what is wrong with mine! Are y'all using Light Rod or what is the setup for her?


Potato del Grande
Yeah, and I wonder what is wrong with mine! Are y'all using Light Rod or what is the setup for her?
I have Whip fully upgraded to 4*, Earrings and a shitty Beret for armor. I'm just missing Black Cowl for the armor but I think it's too much effort to farm.

Whip is a long range weapon so she can attack with it from the back row. On the new event, with FF4 Synergy on the character AND weapon, she ends up one shotting all the trash then nukes the boss into oblivion with Fira.


I dumped a lot of stamina trying to get the whip and still haven't had one drop... And that's only a 2 stamina boss fight, the cowl is going to be a bitch with my luck.

I'm just happy to finally have the events beaten, now I can casually enjoy the game.

Although I question my use of mythril my whole play through buying stamina. Could have easily done a 11 relic draw with all that mythril but c'est la vie.


Molten Core Raider
Mines using Power Rod 3*, Regal gown, earring.

Edit. Use mythril on whatever makes you happy. Fuck, I got 10 3* and 1 4* on a 50 mythril pull. Rather have the 2000+ stamina now.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone able to tell me if only a few characters can cast abilities please? I keep seeing people talking about equipping certain characters with abilities and I can't equip them with any. I'm smashing all the trash but I'm coming unstuck against some of the bigger bosses with lvl 25s - running with Cloud, Tifa, Rydia, Starting character and Tidus and can't beat the hundred gunner as I can't get enough lightning off. I swapped Tidus for black mage and he just gets one shotted.


Mr. Poopybutthole
On the main screen, select party, then abilities. Then assign ( or whatever the top option is) and you can move abilities around.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tyro (starter) can use any abilities. Cloud is limited to physical and swordbreaks, Sephiroth/Kain/Tidus/Warrior I believe are physical only. Rydia (+ Summon), Black Mage, and I believe Cecil are black magic. White mage and Paladin Cecil are white magic.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm not sure I'll get the levels or the stam to be able to get sephiroth... fucking damn it. mid to early 20s for levels on my guys.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you just started today you would still have a good chance at Sephiroth, in my opinion.

You can autobattle pretty much all of it up through floors 55-59 if you're in your 20's. After that, as long as you have Thundara and Jump, you should be able to crush Hundred Gunner (floor 60). Use a bow/harp on Tyro, and just attack with those 3 (if you've leveled up Wakka, throw a ranged weapon on him too). Should only take 2-2.5 rounds to kill.

The next air boss (floor 65) is slightly harder, but probably only 1 extra round.

After that, you've got the last floor (remember to go back to normal gear). If you're feeling like you're not going to do well, do the stop app trick after every round to make sure you haven't taken too much damage leading up to him. At that point, burn down the pet and try to kill Rufus. If you fail, do stop app again and again until you win. If you have blind (Dark Attack), great, but I don't know that it's really necessary. I crushed the pet pretty hard and then it was just burning down Rufus from there.

What kind of levels and abilities/gear are you using? Keep in mind that abilities and gear are generally more important in this game than levels.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There have been a lot of posts on Reddit of people 20-22 beating Rufus.

It's honestly not that bad. Considering the game is like 2 weeks old, I think they're throwing soft balls out for a while.


Yeah Rufus isn't bad. The flying bosses are worse depending on who you leveled. Blind isn't needed at all it's just a bonus if you farmed it AND it happens to land.


Molten Core Raider
So it's not worth it? I'm only 1 lesser summon orb away from being able to make it.
In general don't waste your times on summons (only good reason is if you need AE help on hard dailies etc in a pinch). The low usage is a big waste of a slot honestly. At least for any of the harder content you can't just burn through stuff in a round or 2 so having abilities that can hone 4-8 useses easily is much more useful. Granted if you have nothing else what so ever to waste orbs on its not bad to have one in your back pocket for a few fights that AE damage is useful but I personally would not prioritize it.


Potato del Grande
I just got Summon Dragon (because there was literally nothing else for those orbs).

I've already spoken about Rydia's destruction of enemies by Whip and Nuke. Now she can just one shot the entire screen with 3500 damage, it's the Mist Dragon too so it's lore appropriate


Started a few days ago (3-4ish), and downed Rufus tonight. Spent $3 for extra stamina, but feels pretty worth it even if there's still another day of the event left. Main things were having a honed Thundara for extra uses and farming a Whip+ for Rydia and Jump for Kain, mostly to get the ranged bosses. Also, switched from Tyro to White Mage for the group heal. I did cheese things a bit in that if anyone died, I'd flick on airplane mode, kill the app, turn off airplane mode and then restart the app (thanks again for whoever said that tip). Most of my team was in the mid-20s while my White Mage was like 17.

Gear wise, I don't have anything special, all 2-3 stars, with one 4 star weapon (Kazekiri) for Cloud.