Ahn'Qiraj Raider
- 2,293
- 2,472
Took me 10 years but I finally got there .....
View attachment 309810
Did most of the 60-80 over the last few months. I don't raid so following comments are just about 4 man content which I've been hitting hard for quite a while :
Monk sucks. Hated every second. Dragoon does okay. Samurai is the easiest to do decent DPS on, but you'd expect that for a job that sacrifices any party utility to just be about their own DPS. It also flows really well.
Warrior seemed the strongest tank in all regards, Dark Knight the weakest. Gunbreaker is not far behind Warrior. It's been a long time since I did 80 on Paladin.
Bard is so much better than it was last time I played it years ago. One of the most enjoyable and solid numbers. Black Mage does the most DPS but it has a high skill requirement to get there. Summoner as ever doesn't seem to be doing much but puts out really good damage.
Healing wise WHM is still miles away the best by a ways, but everyone expects utility and DPS from their healers.
Biggest surprise - Dancer. AAA++++ Now it really sucks if you get a poop undergeared toon partnering it in the other DPS slot, but even a reasonably skilled partner and it shines.
Two Dancers together in the DPS slots seem to boost each other exponentially. The rare times I've been in two Dancer partys (when they partner each other) I've been totally blown away.
Props on the achievement.
Can't disagree with your specific job comments either. Never see myself picking up Monk again. Also really enjoyed Dancer a bunch but I struggle with the tedium of DPS queues.
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