While transpose lets you not lose Enochian, it's also generally fucking terrible to end up using it as it fucks up your rotation, and is really a last resort kind of thing. That said yeah it's definitely easier to keep Enochian up, but once in a while you'll still drop it until you're really familiar with the class, because you'll do like some movement and then you have to decide "do I have the time to fit in a Fire IV again, or do I have to Fire I right now at the cost of maybe losing that Fire IV" and if you go for the Fire IV you'll find out you were actually about .3secs short and you drop Enochian. And while Enochian itself is kinda whatever, can just recast it, iirc it makes you drop your Xeno stacks too so that's a huge loss if you had any(and a mild inconvenience at best if you didn't).
But yeah I didn't play BLM that much in 5.x, but it felt a lot easier than in 4.x. The addition of Xeno lets you move without much damage loss a lot more, you can pool them for heavy movement phases and along with triple cast will let you cast 5 GCDs in a row which is plenty to resolve pretty much all mechanics. Does mean you have to know what's coming and plan ahead, especially having to hold Triple cast for a small DPS loss that will make up for a bigger one instead.
The amount of optimization appeals to some players though, and it is a visually pleasing class, with big numbers to boot. It is however almost impossible to know if you'll like max lvl BLM until you get almost to max level, since the rotation and to an extent the playstyle basically changes every expansion.