Doesn't matter. Palace of the Dead has your job start at lv1, so you can play whatever you want as long as the job is unlocked.Whm any good for it? I started as summoner but I'm kinda liking whm and the insta queue is a nice bonus.
MCH is actually the strongest class in potd currently, although it is somewhat harder to learn than RDM but has many advantages over it. The main issue with MCH is Behemoth, which is noticeably harder than on RDM since you can't heal, but you make up for that by having a much easier time in the deep floors since you can fight more stuff with less buffs and kill them faster. Some things you'd need Steel for, wolves for example, a MCH can kill with just Strength, you sprint right before pulling, kite until sprint is off then use the role slow, and usually you'll kill the wolf before it runs out. This is huge because it gives them a lot more flexibility on what to kill on certain floors as well as let them keep poms for bosses in case you're not lucky.Machinist seems like a terrible choice for potd solo.
Not for soloing. For grouping and leveling and stuff sure any class is fine, people do 51-60 then reset, it's good xp for the time it takes and queues more or less instantly on every class(since it doesn't try to make balanced parties since you don't need a tank/healer for it). But for soloing, healers and tanks are pretty ass in potd. Tanks are good in HoH but healers still suck at that one. The lack of damage is too much of a problem for soloing.Whm any good for it? I started as summoner but I'm kinda liking whm and the insta queue is a nice bonus.
You can see dudes on youtube do it with most classes. Seems all classes are capable of it.He was more mad at himself than the game. He saw where he went wrong with hindsight and admitted his nerves got to him on the floor he died.
I can understand panic brain - you forget obviously shit
edit: MCH is great because kiting is much easier and skills have instant cast times. You get snares and interrupts as well. The only thing RDM has over it is a gap escape and self heal via spell
when you start kiting how often do you get raped by stuff that spawned in behind you? lolMCH is actually the strongest class in potd currently, although it is somewhat harder to learn than RDM but has many advantages over it. The main issue with MCH is Behemoth, which is noticeably harder than on RDM since you can't heal, but you make up for that by having a much easier time in the deep floors since you can fight more stuff with less buffs and kill them faster. Some things you'd need Steel for, wolves for example, a MCH can kill with just Strength, you sprint right before pulling, kite until sprint is off then use the role slow, and usually you'll kill the wolf before it runs out. This is huge because it gives them a lot more flexibility on what to kill on certain floors as well as let them keep poms for bosses in case you're not lucky.
Even though RDM was for so long the only class to clear potd, MCH has overtaken it in terms of clears.
That said it requires a fairly different skillset than usual, since so much is kiting, so it's not for everybody, and RDM's healing still let you do fuck up stuff and sometimes recover anyway.
Not for soloing. For grouping and leveling and stuff sure any class is fine, people do 51-60 then reset, it's good xp for the time it takes and queues more or less instantly on every class(since it doesn't try to make balanced parties since you don't need a tank/healer for it). But for soloing, healers and tanks are pretty ass in potd. Tanks are good in HoH but healers still suck at that one. The lack of damage is too much of a problem for soloing.
A lot of the classes are realistically "impossible". Some have 1 to 3 clears, and generally by the same 2-3people worldwide who just spam potd all day like Angelus Demonus. It's pretty easy to check the scoreboards and see the classes are nowhere equal when it comes to potd(it's a bit better for hoh but even there there's some issues).All classes are possible, but you need too know the class in and out if you want too succeed..
when you start kiting how often do you get raped by stuff that spawned in behind you? lol
Machinist seems like a terrible choice for potd solo.
That UI is a nightmare.I have done it on mch and I am sure it is top 3 (rdm / smn round out the top 3 but rdm / mch are noticeably better than smn). It gets pretty rough at times:View attachment 368716
It is fine actually, was just jarring seeing a few things moved around like chatbox.View attachment 368722
This is in raids / seems fine to me, you need to be able to see shit like castbars/buffs/etc.
This is in raids / seems fine to me, you need to be able to see shit like castbars/buffs/etc.
Classifying All Aether Data Center Worlds as Congested
As of the Patch 5.58 Hotfix maintenance, all Worlds on the Aether Data Center have been classified as Congested. Despite expanding the maximum capacity as much as possible and closely monitoring the situation, the number of logins for each World have constantly remained at full capacity, which led to us taking this course of action.
This means players will be unable to create new characters on any World on the Aether Data Center until this classification is lifted. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this will cause for those of you who were looking forward to embarking on adventures with friends.
Were the number of characters to increase any further, it could result in login queues taking up to several hours, which is why we needed to take this approach. In the meantime, we kindly request that you consider creating a character on a World within the Primal or Crystal Data Centers, though we’re aware that they are currently quite congested as well.
Once again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this will cause for our players on the North American Data Centers.